Police patrols at shopping centres continue

File photo.

Police will continue to have focused foot and vehicle patrols around retail shopping centres and malls, as New Zealanders head into the school holiday period from this weekend.

"We acknowledge there have been incidents at some shopping centres during opening hours recently, which has rightly caused concern amongst the community," says a police spokesperson.

Police work with management and retailers at shopping centres across our cities on a regular and ongoing basis, providing advice to help keep their stores secure.

"We have also deployed additional staff where necessary.

"Our staff have increased patrols in shopping malls and retail areas that have been the target of recent offending."

While shopping malls often employ their own security personnel to provide reassurance and a preventative presence in the mall, Police always takes the lead in responding to criminal activity.

"There continue to be individuals within our communities who think it is acceptable to unlawfully take property and threaten or harm others," says a police spokesperson.

"Police work hard to hold these individuals accountable for their actions, responding quickly when offences occur and bringing offenders before the courts."



Posted on 02-10-2022 16:07 | By Let's get real

How about making funding available for recruitment of essential service workers instead of funding projects that provide limited or no benefits to the majority of the population. Police, nurses and fire fighters are of more benefit to the nation than most projects attempted by any of the recent government organisations.


Posted on 02-10-2022 16:24 | By Yadick

The breakdown is at the Courts. They strut in smug and insultingly and strut out laughing. Perhaps Jacinda needs to be held accountable. No wait, she's too busy playing Nuclear War Advisor and telling the world how well NZ is doing (according to Labors modified stats)

To The NZ Police

Posted on 02-10-2022 16:25 | By Yadick

Thank you for all your hard work. It is appreciated.

New Zealand

Posted on 04-10-2022 05:11 | By Slim Shady

Down the gurgler. The place is screwed.


Posted on 04-10-2022 13:15 | By morepork

I endorse both your comments 100%. Well put.

@Slim Shady

Posted on 04-10-2022 13:16 | By morepork

You give up too easily, Slim. All we have to do is change the Government... :-)

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