One of BOP’s largest law firms takes up CBD lease

An artist's impression of the Northern Quarter Development.

Wanting to have a physical presence in the heart of Tauranga's CBD has led to law firm Holland Beckett Law leasing about 2000sqm of space in the Northern Quarter Development.

Partner John Mackay says that the firm made the decision to move into the CBD in August 2020.

'We wanted to have a physical presence in the heart of city and to be part of the revitalisation of the Tauranga CBD.

'We have 110 people currently working in our Tauranga office and we hope that bringing our people into the CBD will be good news for the business, retail and hospitality sectors.”

John says they were looking for a large floor plate that would enable their legal team to work together on one floor.

He says the complex nature of many legal matters often necessitates a collaborative approach, drawing on the expertise of specialists within different practice areas.

Holland Becket partner John Mackay.

'This is made that much easier when you are within line of sight of the experts you need.

'We knew that to get the right environment for our business, our people and our clients meant that planning needed to start well before it was time to move.

'Having signed an agreement to lease is a big milestone for us and the overall project.”

JWL Investments project lead Jason Addison says they're delighted to secure such a reputable tenant for their landmark development, which will be situated between Harington and Hamilton streets.

'The Northern Quarter development will transform the CBD, shaping new office and hospitality workspaces.

'Securing Holland Beckett Law meets with our vision to contribute to the revitalisation of the city centre through investment, development and quality tenants.”

An artist's impression of the Northern Quarter Development.

Holland Becket practice manager Sharline Fitzgerald says their management team are focused on providing an office that meets the needs and expectations of both clients and staff.

'With flexible work options now the norm we see benefits in making the office a destination that our people want to come to.

'As the city grows we are seeing a bigger emphasis on public transport, cycleways and even a ferry service. These services tend to terminate at the CBD so we are looking forward to being able to increase our participation.”

Holland Becket practice manager Sharline Fitzgerald

The stage 1 Northern Quarter development is set for completion by mid-2024.

Stage 2 of the development is in the design phase.

Project timeline:

Aug/Sept 2022 - Archaeological site testing

Nov/Dec 2022 - Demolition works

Jan 2023 - Ground improvement works

Feb 2023 - Physical construction commences

Completion - Mid 2024


Nice try

Posted on 30-11-2022 08:10 | By an_alias

The 4 are desperate to promote how amazing they are, all hail them we now have one existing business that is in the CBD. This justifies $300M spend + $64M water plus plus, the last part is your rates going up up up

This Is Great News

Posted on 30-11-2022 08:10 | By Yadick

People are going to come back to the CBD by the bus loads now. What a massive draw card. Whoopee doo. To all the businesses that have valiantly struggled through TCC's incompetence it looks like your struggles are over soon, OUCH, I bit my tongue.

Sad bunch

Posted on 30-11-2022 14:00 | By Informed

Odd how any positive news for the CBD is attacked by the angry few, that keep telling us they never go to the CBD since they can’t get a park. Yet some how know what it’s like.

And parking where

Posted on 30-11-2022 21:31 | By Warped

Curious as to where they expect 110 staff to park not to mention all of their clients. Dunno if cbd can cope with losing that many parks perday if they plan on using pre-exisiting parks

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