NZ announces travel ban on Iranian security forces

Prime MInister Jacinda Ardern. Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver.

New Zealand will impose travel bans on members of the Iranian security forces connected to the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini and the violent response to subsequent protests, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced.

Amini died in custody in September after being detained by morality police in Tehran for allegedly not wearing her hijab correctly.

Her death has sparked months of protests against the conservative religious leadership, which recently announced that the morality police were being disbanded.

"What happened to Mahsa Amini is inexcusable. New Zealand continues to stand with the people of Iran, especially women and girls," Ardern says in a statement.

"New Zealand will always advocate strongly for the right to peaceful protest and greater civil and political freedoms, and condemns the actions of the Iranian authorities in their brutal suppression of protesters simply advocating for basic universal rights."

The initial ban affects 22 people. They will not be allowed to enter or transit New Zealand.

"The travel bans send a message that we will not tolerate the denial of basic human rights and the violent suppression of protests in Iran," says Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta.

"New Zealand already has sanctions against Iranian individuals and companies under our UN sanctions, which involve asset freezes and export bans. Today we go further to target officials linked to the death of Mahsa Amini and the repression of protests that followed.

"We are imposing travel bans on those involved in the violent suppression of protests and human rights violations. They include members of the Morality Police, the Law Enforcement Command, and members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"The individuals include Hossein Salami, Commander in Chief of the IRGC; Gholam-Reza Soleimani, Commander of the Basij; Hossein Ashtari, Commander of the Police (Law Enforcement Command); and Mohammed Rostami, head of the Morality Police."

Green Party foreign affairs spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman told Morning Report the announcement is a disappointment because they wished to see wider targeted sanctions.

"Canada has named just over 10,000 people that it has sanctioned in relation to the violence in Iran so to say 20 people can't travel here is illusory as a measure."

Mahuta says New Zealand already has sanctions against Iranian individuals and companies under UN sanctions, which involve asset freezes and export bans.

But Ghahraman says the country needs to step in line with allies on finding a system for implementing sanctions.

"We don't have a sanctions regime that is autonomous to us which is why we need to do it in another way, unless we introduce legislation, like the Russia one, and the other way that others have done it is by designating people as terrorists."

By designating a group or people as a terrorist entity, it would put a freeze on their assets and ban funding mechanisms, and that would also be enforced on people associated with such an entity, she says.

In response, Ardern says New Zealand remains committed to responding to what's happening in Iran.

"We have also looked at for instance whether or not there are any Revolutionary Guards [IRGC] should be designated as a terrorist entity, that is a legal question. The advice I've had says it does not meet the legal criteria."

While Ghahraman says New Zealand is leading in its condemnation and calling for an investigation into human rights abuses, the country is still lagging in efforts domestically.

"The thing that really concerns me is that our government hasn't even done the work of finding out what links we have, there's no inventory of who has funds here, who is being funded through here, who is here now."

New Zealand continues to support UN efforts to investigate human rights violations in Iran, she says.

"These travel bans are not the end of our sanctions. Additional individuals and further measures are under consideration," she says.


1 comment

The too little too late government

Posted on 12-12-2022 19:17 | By Kancho

True to form . Reminds me of the debacle in Afghanistan when we abandoned many families who worked with our troops. Left them hiding and in fear although they were promised we would look after them . We didn't even send transport but hitchhiked on Australia America and UK.

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