Greerton Christmas lights reportedly stolen

The lights are being reported missing after last weekend. Photo: File/SunLive.

A section of Greerton Village's festive lights have recently vanished.

Greerton Village, a non-profit organisation, puts up the lights every year to engage in the festive spirit as a service to the community.

The township will be slightly less bright on the starry nights this Christmas season according to Greerton Village manager Sally Benning, who realised the lights had been taken after a community member spotted a gap on the trees.

"The lights take about six months to ship in, so we won't be able to get any more this season," says Sally.

"We'd love it if someone could reach out and let us know if they have any information."

Sally is unsure if the lights were stolen over the weekend, but says she had it reported to her in the last few days.

"We also lost two of our cables from our lights to the power sockets, and one of the connectors for the lights. So all together there are quite a lot of lights which are now out."

This comes as Bethlehem's golden reindeer was also stolen on Friday night.

In previous years, people have engaged in other forms of Christmas vandalism which almost certainly qualifies for Santa's naughty list.

"In the past we've had people throw the baubles and harm the Christmas tree we have in the village, which is why we invested in a fence for the tree this year," says Sally.

"However, they seem to have moved onto the lights now, which is a real shame.

"We're not a business, so we only have a certain amount of money.

"A group of volunteers do this because it brings joy to people and it looks awesome. It is really disappointing some people think they can help themselves or wreck them."

If anyone has information on the whereabouts of the missing Christmas lights from Greerton's township, contact Greerton Village on Facebook.



Posted on 13-12-2022 09:03 | By Yadick

The obnoxious sense of self-entitlement that some people have out there is just appalling. Who the hell do they think they are that they can go and steal as common theives and destroy others hard work. Theft is bad enough, but from a charity. To make light of it and say you're on the naughty list is crap. You're low life scumbags and the only list I hope you make it onto is the court list. I can only hope that when you sit back to enjoy your Christmas day you give thought constantly to how you ruined Christmas for others and stole the magic of it from little kids. You SCUMBAGS.

Vandalism Increasing

Posted on 13-12-2022 12:34 | By oceans

Vandalism is increasing around the country and needs to be dealt with swiftly and with an iron hand. The other day a Golden Deer was ripped off it's foundation in the middle of the night. Part of the leg is still there. The do gooders are saying that the people that do this including ram raids and violent acts come from violent and abusive homes and need to be handles with kid gloves. How about the trauma suffered by the victims not to mention property damage. Even with rehabilitation many of these people will be out doing the same thing. WE NEED TO GET TOUCH. enough is ENOUGH

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