Emergency closure of Coromandel fishery

The closure will take effect from this Friday.

The two remaining open areas in the Coromandel scallop fishery will close, after new information showed scallops are in decline.

'I am invoking emergency measures to close the fishery,” says Oceans and Fisheries Minister David Parker.

A new camera-based survey of the beds has indicated a serious decline in numbers.

"While the results are yet to be published, it is clear these scallop beds have declined considerably, and immediate action is required to provide the best chance of recovery.

"This kind of measure is rarely used, and I do not invoke it lightly as it bypasses public consultation. I consider that in this case, given the seriousness of the situation, it is necessary to protect these scallop beds and ensure the recovery of the wider fishery."

The aim of the closure is to protect scallops and their habitats from fishing while officials undertake a full review of the Coromandel fishery (known as SCA CS).

Parker says he has put an emergency measure in place now, because there can be more fishing in the summer season, which may place further pressure on the beds.

"While the effects from fishing will have played a part, it is very likely there are other factors driving the decline including sedimentation from land activities, water quality, and environmental conditions likely linked to climate change."

Oceans and Fisheries Minister David Parker. Photo: RNZ / Demelza Leslie .

The new closure adds to existing closures the Government put in place in March this year, based on results of a 2021 survey, and will fully close this fishery.

"At that time, I shared concerns raised by fishers and the community about the state of the region's scallops. The best available information, and advice from Fisheries New Zealand, was that the fishery could sustain some fishing within two discrete areas.

"I instructed officials to make sure the open areas were monitored. Camera-based surveys were carried out in June to August, as a baseline for future monitoring. Those results paint a very dire picture."

The closure takes effect from Friday, December 16, and will prohibit all scallop fishing in the two defined areas at Little Barrier/Te Hauturu-o-Toi and Colville channel.

It will be in place for three months and includes commercial, recreational, and customary fishing.

The Coromandel scallop fishery is being fully reviewed, with a longer term closure proposed, as part of Fisheries New Zealand's regular sustainability reviews for the April 1 fishing year.

Consultation on proposals will begin from Thursday.

1 comment


Posted on 13-12-2022 19:40 | By Yadick

This emergency implementation is for everyone. The raping and pillaging of our seabed by people has been horrific.

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