Bumped from the berms

Patricia McMamara questions what thought was given to people with a disability, in cases where berm parking provides easier home access. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Upset residents of Sixth Avenue think it isn't fair they can't park on berms outside their own homes.

On Thursday, December 1, Tauranga City Council's berm parking ban between Marsh St and Eleventh Ave on the Te Papa Peninsula took effect.

Sun Media understands in the first week of this change nearly $400 worth in fines have been imposed and more than 70 infringement warnings were issued.

Sixth Ave residents were surprised by the changes and they're not happy as they believe parking on berms doesn't create issues.

'You can't park outside your own property…it's the most stupid, weirdest thing,” says Aarron Fenwick, who owns a home-based hairdresser business on Sixth Ave.

Harmony shattered

Aarron, who has lived at and operated his Sixth Ave business for 17 years, says parking behind the kerb on the berm has never been an issue and is where many of his clients park.

'Harmony was always fine. It was never a problem so I really don't get why they would remove anywhere for anyone to park.”

One side of Sixth Ave restricts parking with yellow dotted lines; the other has limited on-street parking.

'So now you can't even park on the street and you can't even park outside your own house. It's just so ridiculous.”

Aarron Fenwick, who owns Blow Hair Co, is concerned how the berm parking restrictions may impact his business. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Surprised with an infringement warning was Sixth Ave elderly resident Patricia McMamara, who has lived at her address for 20 years.

She parks on the berm outside her home as it provides easier accessibility to her front door as someone with mobility issues.

'I should be able to question what I do if I'm disabled just to unload my car or something like that. I think there's a lot of things that they probably haven't looked into,” says Patricia.

TCC's network safety and sustainability manager Anna Somerville's response to such concerns is: 'Parking on the berm damages the berm and surfaces under the soil. The resident should park on the road or in her driveway”. 'That's pathetic!” says Patricia. 'They're not even listening.”

Little warning

An issue for the residents was the apparent lack of warning from council about berm parking prohibitions. Peter, who also lives on Sixth Ave, says residents receive mail about Cameron Rd roadworks, yet did not receive mail about berm changes.

'We haven't had anything about this. The only hint I got was a sign appeared down the road on a power pole but from down there right to the top of the street there's nothing.”

On-street parking on Sixth Ave is limited and has yellow dotted lines on one side of the road. Photo: Georgia Minkhorst.

Anna says TCC advertised the berm parking ban in The Weekend Sun, which is delivered to all residential addresses in this area (aside from those with no circular signs) 'which was the most cost-effective way to reach the large number of people affected by these changes”.

Observing TCC's advertisement in the Friday, November 25 edition – mention of berm parking prohibitions was within a map key and it was not clearly indicated that prohibitions would extend to 11th Ave. Anna advises council also advertised via radio, social media and other news advertisements.

Berms and business

Aarron learnt of the changes by his salon clients receiving fines. 'It's heartbreaking…they're fining them for no reason.”

Aarron thinks the restrictions will impact his business and that clients may find alternative salons.”[Business] has already been hammered with all the Covid – it's like, what is the purpose of doing this?”

Asked whether there could be dispensation for berm parking with homebased businesses in prohibited areas, Anna says: 'Council can consider installing time-limited carparks outside home businesses if they have consents to operate the business. We don't support the use of the berms due to the damage the car parking can cause”.

Council gave the following issues that berm parking causes: Creating mud pools (especially in the winter) that end up on the footpath making it unpleasant for pedestrians; damage to grass, other plants, and tree roots; kerb damage, which can also affect drainage; damage to underground utility services.

The Berm Parking Prohibition sign installed on a Sixth Ave power pole. Photo: Georgia Minkhorst.

Mud and mowing

'I think some of their reasoning is a bit quaint like damage to grass, and here you've got almost buffalo grass,” says Peter.

Aarron has eco pavers installed on the berms outside his property.

'The grass will come through [the eco pavers] so it doesn't get muddy at all…there's never been any mud – ever.”

Anna says council will need to consider scenarios where eco pavers pre-exist on berms that were consented by previous council. 'Currently vehicles are banned from parking on the berms even if eco pavers have been installed. Council will not be consenting additional areas of eco pavers.”

TCC's image with the map key stating berm parking to be prohibited in all areas which shows areas from Harington St to Second Ave in purple highlight. Photo: Supplied.

'If you wanted a comical twist, are they also going to come and mow the grass?” questions Peter. 'We're the ones that maintain the lawns. I'm the one whose rent it comes out of to mow that berm so I'm doing my bit to help the council,” says Patricia.

Further changes to parking the council has agreed upon between Marsh St and 11th Ave, as part of inner city parking restrictions, will be implemented November 2023.


Our Street

Posted on 16-12-2022 10:42 | By Yadick

Cars park all over the berms in our street with total disregard for those that have to maintain it. Some of the vehicles leave deep ruts, some turn it to mud, some totally block the footpath. My opinion is berms parking shouldn't be allowed as the cost of maintaining the Council property falls on the resident. We can't park on the berms around town . . . oh wait, that would cost Council and ruin their lawns.

More council arrogance

Posted on 16-12-2022 11:03 | By Kancho

Sunlive is great but like all papers people flick through and don't read everything. It's very clear that a letter to each premises should have been a minimum. That vehicles damage the berm seems fatuous as residents have parked on them for many years. So high handed flexing of power.


Posted on 16-12-2022 11:26 | By Mallyg

Peter u are soooo right all home owners mow the lawns on the berms so we should all stop mowing them c what they say about that or send the council a bill for our time and fuel as the there reasoning not to park there it’s a load of B.S Cheer malcolm


Posted on 16-12-2022 11:42 | By Shadow1

I feel sorry for the people who care for and use the berms as if they own them. The reasons given for prohibiting parking there are ridiculous. The uncompromising and blunt arrogance of the council staff would never have been tolerated when we had a council, nor would it be tolerated by any other council in New Zealand. This attitude comes from the top and should be stopped by the CEO. Ratepayers in Tauranga are being disadvantaged by the Commissioners whose actions are dictated by the Minister of Local Government. I for one will show my displeasure at the next election. Shadow1

Stop mowing

Posted on 16-12-2022 12:04 | By Astoreth

If council won't allow you to use the berm in front of your property, don't mow it for them.

Small Voice

Posted on 16-12-2022 12:25 | By Small Voice

Seeing all the changes the council is making to Links Ave, how come they are aloud to park on the berms? More easy revenue gathering?

Be consistent Council

Posted on 16-12-2022 12:39 | By tia

If Council are to apply the rules consistently and protect the berm, protect tree roots and the kerb, perhaps they need to visit the Sherson St and surrounding streets at the top end of Chadwick Road and deal to all the Bus Drivers vehicles and other worker vehicles parked behind the kerb.

Agree with bylaw

Posted on 16-12-2022 12:41 | By Ron Response

As a resident in the lower avenues I am in complete agreement with the new berm bylaw. The berms are grassed for a reason and it’s not for parking on! If they were intended to be parked on they would have been paved or tarmaced. Businesses who exist in residential enclaves should accommodate parking within their own cartilage and not generate eyesores or damage to berms outside of this area. If they can’t achieve this they should move to a more accommodating area and leave residents to enjoy residential attributes!

Berm bylaw

Posted on 16-12-2022 12:51 | By Ron Response

I would like to add my complete support to the new bylaw. Berms were never planted to park on and generally there is always means to park in driveways. Businesses who exist in residential areas should accommodate customers within their own cartilage and not compromise the general residential amenity value. Good on the Council!

Mowing of the berms

Posted on 16-12-2022 15:36 | By Let's get real

I totally agree with banning parking on berms and look forward to the day that it is enforced around council parks and reserves (particularly Marist park). If all ratepayers withdrew their goodwill and ceased mowing the council owned berms outside of their property lines, it would cost ratepayers millions in additional costs for council to maintain their own property. Rock and a hard place...

Rather simple really -

Posted on 17-12-2022 21:16 | By The Caveman

If a resident cannot used the berm outside their house, then why should the resident mow the grass at their cost !!! If the council tries to tell you that under council by-laws your are required to "look after the berm" - the quick fix is a spray with 245t (if you are old enough to know what 245t is and have an old container of it) or its replacement - paraquat !! Mowing the berm solved for 12/15 months !! (no berm grass to mow ) !!


Posted on 19-12-2022 09:48 | By Tomo

Can not believe this non elected council are ticketing for parking on the berm they should have a look around the city and see how untidy it is with over grown weeds everywhere they would not get this past anywhere else in the country law to there own they are making a mess of Tauranga in mor than one way

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