A Night Before Christmas cancelled

File photo.

A Night Before Christmas 2022 has been cancelled due to wet weather. The event was planned to be held on Saturday December 17 at Bethlehem College.

"It is with huge disappointment that we have to announce the cancellation of this year's A Night Before Christmas event, after two years of postponements due to Covid," say event organisers.

"The wet weather has overwhelmed our ability to run a safe and comfortable event."

The organisers say this is a huge disappointment for all the artists, organisers, sponsors and attendees, with the event being fully subscribed to capacity at 13,000 people.

"Only one week from Christmas our team was hoping to once again bring the city together in the spirit of Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus and focus this holiday season upon the joy of this sacred story.

"We know that for thousands of Tauranga families, A Night Before Christmas has for decades been the start of their Christmas celebrations."

The organisers have set their sights on 2023.

"But there's always next year! The church and our sponsors won't be giving away any enthusiasm as we look towards 2023.

"For now we want to say have a very safe, joyous and hopefully dry Christmas

Ticket holders are advised to check their emails for communication around the cancellation. Attendees can also visit www.anbc.co.nz


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