Freedom camping rules in Tauranga

Freedom campers who break the rules could face a $200 fine. File/supplied photo.

This summer, Tauranga City Council is asking freedom campers visiting the city to follow the rules so that Tauranga can remain a friendly and safe freedom camping destination.

As the summer heat fast approaches, Tauranga becomes the place to be, and the city will soon see an influx of visitors.

Freedom campers who are planning to stay overnight in Tauranga are reminded that they will be required to comply with the city's freedom camping bylaw, or they could face a $200 infringement notice.

'We want to remind campers that we have strict rules when it comes to freedom camping in our city,” says regulation monitoring team leader Stuart Goodman.

'The rules are in place so that everyone can enjoy what Tauranga has to offer, while minimising the impact on our natural environment.”

There are specific locations across Tauranga that have been set aside for freedom campers.

At all permitted reserves, designated areas are clearly marked with signage showing the designated areas and any restrictions.

Campers must be in a certified self-contained vehicle and cannot stay more than two nights at any one location in a calendar month. They cannot light fires and they must remove all their litter and waste.

'Our enforcement officers will be patrolling nightly, so please follow the rules to avoid receiving a fine,” says Stuart.

All freedom campers who are planning to visit Tauranga should take the time and visit the freedom camping webpage, where all the freedom camping rules are listed. Campers travelling in a non-self-contained vehicle must book into a campground.


$200 fine?

Posted on 23-12-2022 10:47 | By tish

“Our enforcement officers will be patrolling nightly, so please follow the rules to avoid receiving a fine”. Really? Which year will all this be happening when Council ignoie and haven't bothered to move people on partying and fighting and already firmly entrenched in their long term parking spaces.

Agree with Tish

Posted on 23-12-2022 15:54 | By Let's get real

We have a number of sites like Greerton Park (Marist Rugby) where people have set up permanent sites, but we're telling good people where and when they can stay with their self contained vehicles. On the Bayfair side of the Maungatapu bridge, there's a derelict car amongst the overgrowth

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