Police disappointed by number of drink-drivers

Photo: File/SunLive.

Police continue to urge motorists to make a conscious decision to not drive after drinking.

Twenty-nine drivers were processed for excess breath alcohol at checkpoints and during routine traffic stops in the Wellington city area, between 4pm on 31 December and 11am on 1 January.

"More than 4000 breath tests were conducted," says a police spokesperson.

Acting Wellington District Commander Inspector Wade Jennings says it is incredibly disappointing to see 29 excess breath alcohol results.

'It's quite frankly an unacceptable decision to drink and then get behind the wheel of a car as you immediately put yourself, your passengers and other road users at risk.

'The majority of motorists were doing all the right things, but unfortunately there are still some who made the decision to drive after drinking.”

Inspector Jennings reminds motorists to also be aware about driving the morning after drinking.

Even with sleep and food, alcohol can stay in a person's system for longer than they may realise.

Of the 29 drivers, eight were processed between 7am and 10am yesterday.

If you're in any doubt about whether you're safe or legal to drive, Police's advice is simple – don't do it.

"Wellington Police will maintain a visible presence on the district's roads throughout summer and into 2023 to ensure we all get to where we're going safely," says the police spokesperson.

"Motorists can expect to be stopped anywhere, anytime."


Disappointed doesn’t cut it

Posted on 03-01-2023 10:50 | By Slim Shady

It’s nothing compared to the drugged up drivers going around. But NZ won’t introduce roadside testing to get them caught and off the road. But they will test your drugs at Bay Dreams and give them back to you. With the proper testing and justice we could clear the roads in a week and slash the road toll. But no, keep letting people drive around on drugs and tell everybody else to slow down and then keep saying how disappointed you are. I keep wondering when the penny is going to drop.

This equates to..........

Posted on 04-01-2023 08:30 | By groutby

..... .007 of 1% of the 4000 drivers breath tested. The Police are disappointed?...yes it is sad it isn't zero, but I would have thought they would have been rapt at this result?. I reckon it also confirms what most thinking people already know...although excess breath/alcohol is a factor, it isn't the major concern for our abysmal road toll/accident stats is it?...we do need to get real about the actual reasons and address them, and soon....

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