Aggravated robberies: Teens among those arrested

The alleged offenders were arrested as part of a search warrant executed by police. File photo.

Four people, including three teenagers, have been arrested for aggravated robberies in Waikato.

Police says a search warrant was carried out in Rukuhia with help from the Armed Offenders Squad on Sunday

A 13-year-old, two 17-year-olds, and a 29-year-old were arrested as a result.

Detective Senior Sergeant Scott Neilson says the group's offending has spanned several months.

"Offending such as aggravated robberies has a real impact on victims, their families, and the community.

"A considerable number of resources have been involved in the operation, and today's outcome is a good result."

The 29-year-old will appear in Hamilton District Court today facing charges of theft, unlawfully using a motor vehicle, and driving while disqualified.

The youths would appear in the Hamilton Youth Court on Monday, facing several charges including aggravated robbery.


1 comment


Posted on 09-01-2023 08:23 | By dumbkof2

if they do an adult crime they should appear in an adult court and do an adult sentence. stop this mamby pamby naughty boys don't do it again rubbish.

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