Boy, 11, knocked unconscious in skate park attack

Police say they were called to reports of an assault at the Ōmokoroa Pavilion and a person there had a “facial injury”. Photo: Google.

An 11-year-old boy was assaulted and knocked unconscious in a 'shocking” attack at a Bay of Plenty skate park, his mother says.

Police say they were called to Ōmokoroa Pavilion at 4.25pm on January 16 after a report of an assault, and that a person had 'a facial injury”.

'Police attended but the alleged offenders were unable to be located at the time. Enquiries are ongoing,” says a police spokesperson.

The boy's mother, Angela Benstead, says that her son was attacked at the park by a boy she was told was 13 years old. She says it was 'unprovoked” and happened when her son was sitting down.

He was knocked unconscious, she says.

'My son is very sore... braces were broken, his jaw is bruised & misaligned, his lip is cut and swollen. We spent five hours in head-trauma assessments last night in hospital.”

Other adults at the park tried to help and were threatened, but eventually the kids ran away, she says.

'I was blown away by the amazing parents, grandparents at the scene though. They stood up for the kids, they called the police, they soothed my son,” says Benstead

Police were called to a Tauranga skate park after an 11-year-old boy was attacked on January 16. Photo: Ricky Wilson/Stuff.

The morning after the attack, Benstead posted on a local Facebook group, concerned about the level of youth crime in the area.

'These thugs are in the minority but certainly causing lots of trouble in our community. Today I feel just so sad that some horrible people can ruin a summer activity for so many. Not just for us either.”

Benstead says that she wanted change and solutions but wasn't yet sure what.

'There's no real consequences for youth. Once my anger drops, I'll be looking towards change. Watch this space. We need some solutions.”

Some in the Ōmokoroa community replied that their children were afraid to go to the skate park and feared that the suburb was becoming 'feral”.

Others suggested cameras at the park and more police presence.

- Annemarie Quill/Stuff.



Posted on 17-01-2023 16:19 | By Howbradseesit

Its always the same kind of people doing this, like the ferals who used to pollute Tauranga's bus depot. Have a guess at a demographic, I bet you will be 100 percent correct. These days the socially acceptable thing to call them is "vulnerable". And our taxes pay them and their vulnerable parents one way or another. I think the average NZer has had a gutsful of them.

Parents Threatened

Posted on 18-01-2023 06:01 | By Thats Nice

So, these kids also threatened other parents who were present that tried to stop this attack? What on earth is going on? Cameras don't stop bad behavior. Kids these days are out of control, and something needs to change NOW otherwise just see what these so-called kids will be doing next.

Cameras & cops...

Posted on 19-01-2023 13:36 | By morepork

... are a sensible suggestion, but it has to be backed by real disincentive to crime in the first place. Harder enforcement, less exclusions based on age and background, more parental responsibility and culpability, and promotion of proper values in schools. There also needs to be more attention given to victims instead of perpetrators. Five hours with your injured child should be answered by somebody... Adults being intimidated by youth gangs is too much and it is time action was taken. The community has to show that it won't stand for it or accept it. Kids who are out of control need to be collected and jointly supervised with firm discipline and restrictions on their movements. Parents will answer for non-compliance. Obeying the Law has to be seen to be easier than not doing so.

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