A Tauranga family‘s three year search for answers

Tauranga man Julian Varley has been missing for three years. Supplied photos.

The family of a Bay of Plenty father missing for three years fear 'something sinister” has happened. Desperate for answers, they are appealing to 'someone out there who knows something” to end the 'pain of not knowing”.

Tauranga man Julian Varley has been missing since January 23, 2020.

His car was found the following day on fire and with bullet holes in.

Varley's mother, Christine Varley, says dealing with the unknown has been the hardest part.

'We are no closer to answers than we were on the day he went missing three years ago. Being in the dark is killing us.”

Both she and her daughter Victoria Mitchell, believe 'something sinister” has happened.

'Much as I'd love to see him walk in the door, I don't think that is going to happen. Something sinister has gone on and something bad happened to Julian. We just want to know,” says Victoria.

Christine Varley wept as she told Stuff that telling her grandchildren that it was unlikely they would see their father again was 'the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.”

Varley's partner was pregnant when he went missing, and that baby, now two, has never met his father. Varley has two other children, now aged 12 and 9 years old.

'It's been so hard for them. He loved his kids. He was so excited about a new baby too. My son was full of love – we were in constant contact.”

Missing Bay of Plenty man Julian Varley's car was found with bullet holes and on fire.

Police are still treating Varley as a missing person case, but Victoria says the family has found it frustrating that 'nothing seems to be happening.”

'We have no answers and are in the dark about what's going on. It's always us who has to contact police. This month when I phoned, someone told us that they were busy with new homicides.”

The last confirmed sighting of Varley was around 3pm on January 23, when he was captured on CCTV driving his blue and silver 1998 Nissan Pulsar at the Poike roundabout on State Highway 29a, Tauranga.

At around 1am on Friday 24 January, 2020, a member of the public found Julian's car on fire on Oropi Road near State Highway 36.

Julian had not accessed his bank account, or used his cell phone, since January 23, 2020.

Victoria has spoken to people who knew her brother and also received anonymous tip-offs about what had happened to him.

'We think there needs to be a more in depth search of the area around the car. We think Julian is out there.”

'We've passed all leads to police and some people were happy to talk to police even though they were afraid. The police even investigated a dream someone had about where Julian was buried.”

Field Crime Manager Detective Inspector Craig Rawlinson says police are fully committed and the case remains open and active.

Three years is an excruciatingly long time for Julian's family to await answers, and our commitment to them hasn't changed. To date, we have not received information that's allowed us to bring answers of comfort to Julian's whānau.”

Craig says the burnt-out vehicle was forensically examined and police search and rescue, along with dog units, searched the area nearby on multiple occasions.

Craig would not comment if police suspected homicide.

'We're not in a position to speculate on what has happened when Julian disappeared. Investigators have spent hundreds of hours gathering evidence and following up leads, however that has not been enough to bring us to the answer of where Julian is, or what happened on the day he went missing.”

He says cases are regularly reviewed, regardless of time passed.

'As new information comes in it is actively reviewed to see what leads can be followed. Police periodically carry out reviews of open cases, even in the absence of new information, after prioritising all the investigations under way. A review will look at every aspect of the case and the evidence that has been gathered to check nothing has been missed.”

Craig appeals to anyone with information.

'Please talk to us and help bring closure for Julian and his whānau. They deserve answers.”

Julian's family is gathering on today for a barbecue in honour of their missing loved one.

His mother Christine says someone holds the key to ending their pain.

'Please, someone out there knows something. We just want to end this pain of not knowing. We are hurting. Leave us an anonymous note in the letter box. Or tell us or the police. Please do it – for us. We just want to bring him home.”

Do you know what happened to Julian Varley?

Information about what happened to Julian can be passed to police by contacting the investigation team directly on 07 577 4384.

Alternatively, people can call 105, or fill out a report online at www.police.govt.nz/use-105 using "update my report" and referencing the file number 200128/0613.

People can provide information anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 and referencing that same file number.

-Annemarie Quill/Stuff.


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