Small businesses get $4k subsidy for fog cannons

Photo: Jarred Williamson/Stuff.

Small businesses are now able to apply for a $4000 subsidy while having a fog cannon installed.

The subsidy is open to all eligible small retailers and dairies in New Zealand who want a fog cannon installed, with the subsidy paid to the provider and retailers to pay the balance.

This subsidy is for retailers whose main purpose is to sell finished goods to the public.

'We know through the expression of interest process that there is demand for this subsidy, with close to 300 retailers interested in receiving it,” says the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's Business Specialist Glen McCloy.

'There is no requirement to have been the victim of a ram raid or aggravated burglary for the fog cannon subsidy, but retailers will need to meet certain criteria to be eligible. This includes having no more than two outlets, five or fewer paid employees, and a street frontage."

Outlets in an indoors mall where security is already provided will not be eligible, according to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

'Eligible retailers will need to visit the website, and fill in the application form. They will need to provide simple business verification details and declare they are eligible.

'Once the form is submitted, they will be processed and provided confirmation, including a voucher code. They will be provided with a register of providers to contact, and should provide them the voucher code as validation. It is up to retailers to work with suppliers to get the fog cannons installed.

'Once the fog cannon is installed, the provider will invoice MBIE and receive up to $4,000 as the subsidy. The retailer will need to pay the provider any remaining costs.

'If retailers filled out an expression of interest form in December 2022 or January 2023, they will be contacted regarding how to apply but still need to complete the application form.

Potential fog cannon providers can continue to register to be on the panel via the Government Electronic Tender Service. They are encouraged to apply and MBIE will be onboarding providers on an ongoing basis for the duration of the scheme.

For more information, to check eligibility and to apply, visit


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