Matua Foodmarket robbed, community jumps to help

The foodmarket was robbed on Wednesday, February 1 at 11am. Photo: Google Maps.

Matua Foodmarket owner Samir Kansara was 'absolutely terrified” as his dairy was being robbed by an armed offender and three others at 11am on Wednesday.

'I felt like I was going to die, or going to be hurt,” he says.

Samir says he is unharmed following the incident, but is still shaken days later.

'I'm still a bit on edge. Up until Wednesday, it had been 13 years running this place with no robberies at all. I felt like it almost couldn't happen to me, especially in daylight.

'Matua is a nice community, there's great people here. The whole event was such a shock.”

Following the robbery, Samir says the Matua community has been rallying behind him in support.

'Many people have personally come and visited me, and made sure I was alright. I closed my shop on the Wednesday after the robbery and after people realised what had happened they started coming in and making sure I was ok.

'We had people come in and give us fresh baking and other things. We love the community here, they are very supportive and have been so kind to us.”

Samir is back to work now, but says it has been hard feeling 100 per cent safe again.

A police spokesperson says one youth is in custody following the event. Photo: File/SunLive.

Police responded to the robbery at 'around 11am” on Wednesday, according to a police spokesperson.

'The offender was armed, but not with a gun. It appears noone was injured. Police recovered the vehicle. Cigarettes and cash was stolen,” says the police spokesperson.

'A youth has been taken into custody. Charges are being determined. Enquiries are ongoing.”


wet bus ticket

Posted on 03-02-2023 17:04 | By terry hall

what will happen, he is proberbly at home now watching tv, what will he get , had a hard upbringing, hardly went to school, the lawer you have to feel sorry for him, judge yes you naughty boy, do not do it again, should be 2 years community service 6 days a week suppervision sunday.

And the parents?

Posted on 04-02-2023 14:21 | By morepork

No culpability? Not even responsibility? WHY are we allowing kids to run wild and letting parents get off scot free? They raised these kids (more accurately, they DIDN'T raise them...) but that is not against the Law. It bloody well should be! We have Laws that protect kids from being starved and beaten, but nothing that says parents must teach them values like responsibility and respect. If parents were held responsible for their kids, we'd see a lot less crime. If kids are uncontrollable and parents claim this, then they should lose those kids for a time (put them in a camp... like the old Health Camps but with emphasis on activity, positive growth, and discipline), or, where GBH is involved, even permanently. If you teach your kids it is OK to seriously damage people, and violence is a first resort, you don't deserve to have kids.

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