Gang members charged as Operation Kōtare continues

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Ten more gang members are now before the Courts and facing several serious charges following further work by the Operation Kōtare team in Eastern District.

Operation Kōtare is the focus on disrupting, suppressing, and preventing organised crime and gang harm.

Officers with specialist skills from around the country have been brought into Tarāwhiti to support the district-wide operation.

The team carried out search warrants in Gisborne, Hasting and Waiora this week.

The charges for the alleged offenders range from serious domestic-related offending, unlawful possession of firearms, possession of Class A drugs, receiving stolen property and repetitive breaches of bail conditions.

During the search warrants, Police seized illicit drugs, illegal firearms and stolen property, including a boat.

Inspector Darren Paki says Eastern District Police will continue to hold gang members to account for their harmful actions in our communities.

'We are steadfast in our approach to reducing gang harm through strong enforcement tactics and prevention programmes with our partners.

'The prevention team is following up with support work and are receiving great feedback about our enforcement results.

Alongside this, we are also taking the time and effort to follow up after search warrants to see where there are opportunities to prevent re-offending,” says Inspector Paki.


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