Grandma crashes into ramraiders‘ getaway car

The car a group of offenders used to ramraid the Spark Store in Cambridge on Monday morning. Photo: Supplied/Stuff.

Instinct took over when a grandmother on an early morning coffee run in Cambridge noticed a ramraid in progress on the main street.

She wasn't having it, not at 5.30am on Easter Monday.

'I just thought, right, this is not happening,” the 63-year-old, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

She had all her family staying for the long weekend - her eight grandchildren and three of her children – and had earlier nipped down to BP for coffee beans.

Coming back down Victoria St without her phone (it was lost on the couch) she noticed a white car rammed into the Spark store, a getaway car and someone with a mask on.

'I crossed the median, there was no-one around - it was like a ghost town – and just rammed his car.”

The offenders, who she describes as youths, came running out of the shop, yelling.

'It was quite hilarious. One rather chubby guy, he fell over, he was in jandals. I saw his builder's crack.”

She started to feel a little concerned as her car, a Toyota Rav4, wouldn't go into reverse.

'But then it did, I had my horn going, and they were still getting in the car, so I rammed them again, and I pushed them up onto the garden. I just didn't want them to get away.”

They did, however, break free so she chased them up Victoria St onto Hamilton Rd, where they did a u-turn and went up Grey St.

'I had my horn going for about maybe 10 minutes. They then went down a one-way street, I followed them, and I was thinking, oh gosh this is not good. I was starting to lose my braveness and I lost them.”

She went to the police station, which was closed, so waited at the Spark store where a passing woman called the police after hearing her story.

The whole drama was then relayed to her husband.

'He has never done anything wrong ever, never had a speeding fine, nothing. I rang him up and told him the story in a crybaby voice, and he said, I will come down ... I looked at him walking down the road, and he put his arms up, and I fell into his arms and he said, don't worry darling. I think it's worth it.”

The family made her bacon and eggs for breakfast, and the coffee beans were put to good use.

'I have seen my friends in jewellery shops, they're off work for a week because of what these young kids are doing,” says the woman. 'They don't care, they're not frightened. And no-one is doing anything. I think I always knew if I saw something I would stop it.”

She has suffered a few sleepless nights and the impact hurt her back.

Her Rav4 was wrecked and at the local panel beaters. She's unsure if insurance is going to cover the repairs.

'It costs you to be brave, it costs you to stand up to these kids. It's cost me a few sleepless nights, it's cost me the damage to my car, but I will happily do that because they can't do it any more. Well, not in Cambridge.

'We are all sitting back waiting for the Government to do something. Well, it's not going to happen and the police's hands are tied.”

A police spokesperson says they received a report of a ramraid style burglary at around 6.15am on Monday.

'Police responded, but the offenders had fled in a second vehicle. It appears that a phone was stolen.

'Generally, police discourage people from intervening, as it puts them at greater risk of harm.”

People who witness suspicious or unlawful behaviour should report it as soon as they can.

The offenders are yet to be found. Anyone with information should contact police on 105, referencing file number 230410/7895. Reports can also be made online at

A Spark statement said it shared the frustration about ramraids but felt strongly that people shouldn't intervene as 'we would not want anyone to put themselves in harm's way on our behalf”.

'As soon as any of our stores are damaged, this triggers our monitored alarms and security systems and police and security are on site shortly after.”

-Jo Lines-McKenzie/Stuff.


More To Come

Posted on 14-04-2023 07:21 | By Thats Nice

Well, good on her although a little dangerous. This will become more common with people taking things into their own hands as we are all over the crime and lack of punishment in this country now.

Oh dear

Posted on 14-04-2023 08:18 | By Kancho

I fear that her insurance won't pay out as it wasn't an accident. Sadly nothing was really achieved by her indignation.

Gutsy Grandma.

Posted on 14-04-2023 12:04 | By morepork

But her vehicle won't be insured for this. It shows the frustration that the general public is feeling and she summarized it perfectly:“We are all sitting back waiting for the Government to do something. Well, it’s not going to happen and the police’s hands are tied.” These are sentiments that lead to the rise of vigilante groups and lawlessness, which I don't endorse, but you can understand normal citizens deciding they've just had enough. It's only a matter of time before someone, (perpetrator or victim) gets killed in one of these raids. And why was the Police station "closed"? This has to be a 24/7 service.

Ram Raider Heroine.

Posted on 14-04-2023 16:24 | By

Can I suggest the and her hubby open a Give A Little page and see what the response is.

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