Six cars seized in response to illegal racing

Police impounding one of the vehicles. Photo: NZ Police.

Six vehicles have been seized by police following the execution of six search warrants targeting the alleged offenders involved in the illegal street racing incident in Hamilton earlier this month.

At around 12.50am on Saturday, April 15, police were called to Pardoa Boulevard, Chartwell, after reports of vehicles driving dangerously, multiple vehicles doing burnouts, people partaking in anti-social behaviour, and a person firing a paintball gun at a CCTV camera.

The group fled before police arrived, and headed to a second location, near Collins and Ohaupo roads.

Police arrived and arrested four people for disorderly behaviour. Officers went on to issue 37 infringements, and impound one vehicle.

"Information from the public is invaluable in gathering evidence to obtain warrants to seize vehicles involved in illegal start racing," says Waikato road policing manager Inspector Tim Anderson.

"While Police may not be able to respond to all reports of anti-social road use when it happens, officers will use evidence and information from the public to make enquiries after the fact and seize cars when necessary."

Enquires are ongoing to determine the identity of the drivers and charges.

If you see illegal street racing, or dangerous driving, never put yourself at risk. Call 111, and relay as much detail as you can, especially number plates if possible.

If it's after the fact, you can submit this information via 105 ( (link is external)), or anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


Crusher Collins law

Posted on 27-04-2023 07:40 | By Womby

Is it still in force? A public crusher display of those six cars being crushed might have the rest of these types around the country thinking twice about defying the law. Crush the trail bikes in Auckland the police confiscated at the weekend in a similar public display. Worth a try, the wet bus ticket method isn’t working

Good Job!

Posted on 27-04-2023 12:50 | By morepork

We are long overdue for some practical action like confiscation or scrapping of vehicles in these cases. People who demonstrate they are not responsible enough to be on the road should lose their vehicles. It seems fair to me.

crusher collins

Posted on 27-04-2023 16:07 | By terry hall

come on it is about time that we got real here what happened to crusher collins legislation, for god sake crush them were it hurts, they mite wake up.

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