Vintage collection stolen, family pleas for help

Jim Pendergrast with his collection before his passing in 2017. Photo: Supplied.

A Tauranga family is "devastated" after a vintage model steam engine collection, handed down by a deceased relative, was stolen over the weekend.

The family heirloom was started by the late Jim Pendergrast, who began collecting steam engines after a childhood birthday during the great depression.

Jim's daughter in law, Jan Pendergrast, says he was was very well known for his great collection later on in life.

'People used to come to his shed and walk through and admire his machinery and displays. It was his life when he retired.”

The model which started the collection was given to Jim for his birthday in 1932. He was turning six at the time.

'Times were tough, it was the great depression and his mum had just died. Jim's dad thought he'd get him something special for his birthday and that was the black steam engine model Jim had in front of him in the photograph."

Jan says her family was 'absolutely gutted” when they were called by a friend working nearby who noticed the shed had been broken into

She suspects the people who stole the collection had been there before, and 'knew what they were doing”.

One of Jim's "bigger models". Photo: Supplied.

'It was a rainy weekend and there were no wheel marks on the grass or road by the shed where they were stored.

'There were also no fingerprints, so they must have carefully removed the glass slider track on the cabinet to get the smaller models out.

'We suspect it was targeted.”

According to Jan, the thieves managed to pry open the 'double corrugated iron” front door of the shed, which remains locked.

'These pieces are very sentimental to us. We've got photos of young family members who have always been fascinated with the collection.”

Recently, Jan says, the family did a shed 'stock take” and photographed 'every single item” in the shed including what has disappeared.

'The main thing is we want these items back, and we are asking the community for help if anyone has seen or heard anything about them.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police on 105, or online at, quoting file number 230502/2917

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or

1 comment

Give it up.

Posted on 05-05-2023 12:24 | By morepork

Chances are very good you will be caught, and it will be difficult to convert to cash. Give it up and get a good night's sleep...

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