Missing fire hydrant lids stumps WBOP council

Three lids have been taken from Old Coach Road in Paengaroa. Photo: WBOPDC.

Fire hydrant lids have become 'hot property” in the Western Bay of Plenty, leaving the council puzzled by their disappearance.

There have been six lids taken from fire hydrants and valve boxes in three separate incidents with two in Te Puke and one in Paengaroa.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council network team leader Peter Edwards says it's 'a relatively new situation, with the public reporting the missing lids in the last week”.

'We're not entirely sure why these lids have all of a sudden become hot property, but suspect selling the metal to scrap metal dealers may be a motive.

'While it costs time and money to replace the lids, our main concern is someone might injure themselves by stepping into the hole where the lid was.”

The cost to replace missing lids ranges from $90 to $500 depending on the damage.

Replacing just the lid costs $90 or the entire box costs $500, says Peter.

If the internal hydrant or valve has been damaged, then the cost per site will vary, but it's around $1000 per site.

Peter is asking people to contact the council if they notice a missing lid or to contact the police if they see someone stealing one.

Fire hydrant lids are going missing in the Western Bay of Plenty. Photo: Brydie Thompson/ SunLive.

The council shared the plea to stop stealing the lids on Facebook and commenters expressed their thoughts.

'Why would it even cross someone's mind to steal these? They're pretty sad individuals with no life and too much time on their hands,” says one resident.

'Also it's a safety hazard if they are taken.... [people] can fall into the hole,” says another.

Others saw the lighter side.

'When we were younger we just use to stand on them and hit the person next to us saying "free hit" LOL. Gosh how times have changed eww put them back and stop being a hoha to the community.”

People can contact council on 0800 926 732 and through its Facebook page.

The police can be reached on the non-emergency number 105.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air

1 comment

Cover removals

Posted on 10-05-2023 10:21 | By tia

I would suggest that it is the scrap metal value as to the reason why these are stolen. If Council checked with the scrap metal merchant's they could possibly get them back. People go to any lengths to make a buck.

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