Convicted repeat child sex offender jailed

Albert Te Hauwaho was sentenced at Tauranga District Court on Thursday.

A registered child sex offender who promised a 14-year-old boy a $6000 payment from a 'wealthy female friend” if he made videos of himself performing sexual acts has been jailed for two years and three months.

Albert Te Hauwaho​, who was still under an Extended Supervision Order imposed in 2020 at the time of his latest offending, received the sentence at Tauranga District Court this month.

The 29-year-old had earlier entered guilty pleas to charges of dealing with people under 18 for sex and breaching an Extended Supervision Order.

Defence lawyer Michael Douglas said Te Hauwaho's cultural report was 'somewhat harrowing”, and that his offending had been partially driven by 'confusion about his own identity”.

Crown prosecutor Caitlin Bourke​ told the court Te Hauwaho had 'a number of relevant convictions, including convictions against young persons”.

Sentencing Te Hauwaho, who appeared via audio visual link, Judge David Cameron his previous offending included sexual offences against young males, some under 12-years-old.

He also said a pre-sentence report deemed Te Hauwaho 'a significant risk to the community, even under an ESO with GPS”.

He said Te Hauwaho had displayed 'a pattern of ongoing, similar offending”.

He also said a victim impact statements made it clear the effect of the offending.

'The victim speaks of being fearful of any adult except his mother,” he said.

The police summary of facts revealed that Te Hauwaho wasn't supposed to associate with, or contact, anyone under 16 years of age without written approval from a probation officer. And any approved contact was to be supervised by a probation officer.

How Te Hauwaho came into contact with the 14-year-old cannot be reported, to protect the identity of his victim, but the offending began when he asked 'if he wanted to make money or get cannabis”.

He said he could 'hook the complainant up with a pound of weed if he made a video of himself masturbating”.

He also told him he had 'a wealthy female friend that would pay for the videos and showed the complainant a photo of his friend”.

He told him he would be paid $6000 for the first video, and $4000 each for a second and third video.

The summary said the 14-year-old was sceptical, but Te Hauwaho 'kept talking about the deal”.

'The complainant was eventually manipulated into making the videos in the hope of the payment the defendant promised.”

The summary notes three occasions where the victim made videos, two involving a sex toy, and Te Hauwaho then transferring the videos to his phone.

An August 2022 search warrant saw police recover the sex toy and electronic devices, locating five videos of his victim.

'In explanation the defendant stated he doesn't recall any discussions about video recordings or money for videos.”

According to an Official Information Act request filed by Stuff with the Ministry of Justice, from 2015 to 2020 a total of 180 Extended Supervision Orders were granted.

Between 2015 and 2019, a total of 48 people were charged with criminal offending while under an ESO, with 29 convicted.

-Benn Bathgate/Stuff.



Posted on 11-05-2023 10:50 | By Let's get real

Wouldn't a picture of the offender possibly result in additional information from the community about vile predators such as this. Court reports have been severely restricted and have become increasingly protective of the criminal over the past twenty to thirty years. Don't we deserve to know who is a serious threat to our community and who has no respect for others...?

@Let's get real

Posted on 19-05-2023 16:01 | By morepork

I considered your thoughtful post, and I reckon you make a fair point. There DOES seem to be a tendency to protect offenders and, once they are found guilty, that protection is not warranted. In the old days, they would have been put in the stocks in the marketplace; perhaps the modern equivalent is to have their image flashed all over social media and the Internet.

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