Live: Robertson makes pre-Budget speech

Finance Minister Grant Robertson. RNZ.

Finance Minister Grant Roberston says next week's Budget will contain $4 billion of savings and reprioritisations over the next four years.

Speaking to a business audience at Parliament, Robertson says ministers were told if they wanted to progress particular opportunities they had to look for savings opportunities within their ministries' existing budgets.

The $4b would mostly go towards funding agencies' existing cost pressures, he said.

The full details of what made up this number would be detailed when the Budget was released, but savings had been found across a wide range of areas, some of which had been well publicised already, he says.

They included closing contingencies the government wasn't convinced were still needed, reassessing forecast requirements of government departments and returning as savings underspends from existing initiatives.

Programmes such as the public media merger were stopped, the clean car upgrade and social leasing schemes curtailed, and funding associated with the affordable water reforms and Covid programmes that were no longer needed were returned.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has already indicated that costs the government will incur in the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery would be met within existing Budget funding and taking on some debt.

He has said the Budget will be "no frills" and also ruled out major tax changes like a capital gains or wealth tax.

The Budget will be yet another driven by a major economic shock. Robertson had been wrestling the books back into shape after the Covid-19 years, but now has to foot the bill for Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland floods, which will run into the billions.



Ha, only Labour

Posted on 11-05-2023 09:03 | By an_alias

So for good PR we decided to announce we will make $4B in savings. Yep, we are amazing at budgets, you bet we are cutting back. Minor point, we also be spending all of those savings on other agencies. What a failure, spin at its best. So essentially we have done nothing at all and YOUR WELCOME, well, we forgot to say your also going to PAY MORE TAX.


Posted on 11-05-2023 10:37 | By Let's get real

I get the very strong impression that there are huge divisions between numerous Labour Party members since the latest chirpy head-on-a-stick leader took the reigns. Robertson is a prime example, being well away from the cameras now and only popping up occasionally to say what the leader tells him to say. As for co-governance.... Just look at the fantastic work being done for the nations good at the moment. What statesman like behaviour we are seeing...

Let us

Posted on 11-05-2023 12:56 | By Merlin

Let us not forget all the expenditure incurred with Covid and Gabrielle and Auckland Floods to support Business and Wage earners which has not helped in the governments programs. I can't recall much from Opposition parties how they would have done it better. All I hear is tax cuts and help for Farmers a Investors and Landlords Etc

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