Calls to report illegal dirt bike offenders

Rotorua Police prevention manager Inspector Phil Gillbanks.

'We hear your frustrations” – that's the message from police and Rotorua Lakes Council in response to reports of illegal trail and dirt bike offenders on our roads and reserves.

Council and police are working together to ensure that the public know how to report illegal trail and dirt bike offending to give the police the best possible chance at identifying offenders and locating and seizing bikes.

There have been multiple reports to the council of illegal trail and dirt bike riding on reserves and footpaths, causing damage to infrastructure and putting people's safety at risk.

Members of the community and those living near problematic areas have also raised safety concerns and in some cases, it is preventing people from using open spaces and shared pathways.

Just last month, a dirt bike rider suffered serious injuries after a collision with a vehicle in the Fordlands area. The rider was not wearing a helmet or any protective bike gear.

Senior Sergeant Geoff Barnett says illegal trail and dirt bike use isn't just a local problem.

'This is not a problem unique to Rotorua.

'It requires police, council and most importantly our communities working together to make the difference.

'Police pursing these riders isn't the answer, but rather we seek information about who is responsible so that riders can be held accountable and if applicable, bikes seized.

'Information can be provided by calling Police on 111 if it is happening now and people are in immediate danger of harm, or any other detailed information can be reported through 105 or anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Rotorua Police prevention manager, Inspector Phil Gillbanks, is calling on the community to come forward with as much quality detail of offenders as possible.

'We need to know the locations that these bikes are coming and going from and if known, the offender or offenders.

'This information will be key to police being able to take the affirmative action that the public expects from us.”

Rotorua Mayor Tania Tapsell says ensuring a safer community is a key priority for council.

'Together with police, we're focusing on delivering real actions into our Rotorua Community Safety Plan which includes an increased focus on public safety, and increasing visibility and responsiveness.

'Council's partnership with Police means we're working together to ensure Rotorua is a safe place for all. But we can't do this alone and need the community's help to report issues. The dirt bikes have been a growing issue so we're asking for your help to address this.”

Signage is also being updated around the Rotorua rohe | district to help the community identify illegal riding behaviour and report offenders.

What to do if you see dirt bikes illegally riding on our roads or reserves:

  • Call 111 if someone is in danger, and it is happening now.
  • Call 105 after it's happened or log a job online at Include as many details as possible to help Police identify and locate those responsible. You will be issued with a job number so you can follow up on your report.
  • Call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 - If you would like to report a crime anonymously.


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