Detour on Cameron Road this weekend

Cameron Road near Thirteenth Avenue will be reduced to one-way traffic this weekend. Photo: Google Maps.

Cameron Road will be reduced to one-way traffic this weekend between Thirteenth Avenue and Fifteenth Avenue near Tauranga Boys' College as work to install new traffic signal ducting gets underway.

"This work is the part of the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project and takes effect from 6am, Saturday 17 June to 6am, Monday 19 June, weather dependent," says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson.

"Traffic heading south away from the city will be redirected along Thirteenth Avenue, Fraser Street and Fifteenth Avenue. Signage showing these detours will be in place. The northbound side of Cameron Road will be open as usual.

"Pedestrian and cyclist access, and access to properties in the area will be maintained.
Buses will also follow the detours, and bus stops within the closure area will be marked as closed.

"Tauranga City Council and the Cameron Road Joint Venture thank you for your patience and understanding while we carry out this essential work."

Learn more about the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project, including road closures.


Ha ha, you gotta be kidding

Posted on 16-06-2023 17:09 | By nerak

right. Just about the entire length of Cameron road is for leisurely snails, best to detour from it completely. Who goes to Tauranga any more, apart from the employed. TCC, shame on you.


Posted on 17-06-2023 07:28 | By Johnney

This whole Cameron Rd debacle is a joke

@Johnney [ Joke]

Posted on 17-06-2023 12:43 | By morepork

I agree with "debacle" and the time it is taking is shameful. However, this particular closure ticks all the boxes for "OK". 1. Is it necessary? 2. Will it be of a reasonable duration? 3. Will it be within available budgeted costs for the Cameron Road project? Point 3 can change, but for now, at least, this looks like a necessary inconvenience.

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