Organ donation saves 184 lives in 2022

Have you considered being an organ donor?

A total of 184 lives have been saved as a result of organ donations last year.

Organ Donation New Zealand released its annual report this week, sharing New Zealand's national organ donation figures for the last 12 months.

Last year 63 deceased organ donors with whānau support, donated organs following death, providing lifesaving kidney, liver, lung, heart, or pancreas transplants for 184 Kiwis.

ODNZ Clinical Lead Dr. Joanne Ritchie says organ donation is a precious gift that has a profound impact on both the deceased donors loved ones and the recipient.

'On behalf of everyone at ODNZ, I'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to these 63 organ donors, and particularly to their families for saying yes - you have given so many people a second chance at life.

'Organ donation is only possible through a donor family making this generous decision at a difficult and sad time. Their choice to donate organs and tissue saves and changes lives.”

The possibility for donation after death occurs only in specific circumstances. However, when donation is possible, one donor has the potential to help up to ten people through the donation of organs and tissues.

ODNZ encourages people to have a conversation with their family or whānau and discuss whether they'd like to become an organ donor in the event of their death. More information about ‘Having the Conversation Today', can be found Here.

'For those who are considering being a donor, it's important that you express your wishes to your whānau and have that important conversation now,” says Jo.


Interested to see this.

Posted on 06-07-2023 13:39 | By morepork

I have been a donor for many decades. I have sometimes wondered if it actually does any good, so I was interested that 184 people benefitted in the last year. I note that there is no mention of eyes. I thought it should include corneas but maybe it doesn't.

The sad thing is..

Posted on 06-07-2023 15:08 | By fair game

You can be an organ donor, have it on your drivers license, discuss it with your family etc etc. But at the end of the day, the family can over ride your final wishes and refuse it to go ahead...

@fair game

Posted on 07-07-2023 14:16 | By morepork

I hear what you say. I suppose, when all is said and done, it is right that the living should have priority over the dead. In my case I have very few family connections and my Will is very clear. I believe they will honour it.

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