Police disrupt anti-social driving behaviour

Photos from Bay of Plenty Police show the damage done.

A man is facing a raft of driving-related charges following a police investigation into anti-social driving behaviour in the Bay of Plenty.

"A great result for Eastern Bay of Plenty Police following a reserve being destroyed by anti-social driving behaviour," reads a post on the Bay of Plenty and Taupo Police Facebook page.

"These pictures (referring to the photos above and below) show the damage caused to Cutler Reserve in Whakatane.

"Police located and spoke with a person of interest nearby.

"A man's been summonsed to court on charges of driving while disqualified, wilful damage, and sustained loss of traction."

People who witness any such behaviour are encouraged to report it to their nearest police station.

Information can also be phoned in anonymously to the Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 line.


Low life...

Posted on 12-07-2023 08:13 | By fair game

judge should make him get out there with a shovel and fix it. The least he could do, plus he would be on public display. What's the bet he just gets a "telling off"...... step up judges and punish these low life vandals!

Punishment never fits the crime

Posted on 18-07-2023 12:32 | By Craig O

I for the life of me do not understand why the punishment wouldn't be the repair of it under supervision. Going back week after week till it's fixed would teach the offender the leason.

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