Intoxicated drivers charged in eastern BOP

Photo: File/SunLive.

Eastern Bay of Plenty Police have been keeping a watchful eye on drivers in the region over the wet and windy weekend and are disappointed to report two drivers were caught drink driving.

Road Police Manager Sergeant Christopher Howard says, 'the people caught driving intoxicated could have caused fatalities on Bay of Plenty roads and it is unacceptable for them to have been behind a wheel”.

"One driver was stopped for speeding, and it was later discovered through a routine breath test that they were intoxicated," says a police spokesperson.

"The second driver was spotted by Police on SH2 driving towards Edgecumbe dangerously weaving through traffic.

"This driver was stopped by Police and breath test results showed they were well over the legal driving limit.

"In both cases Police were able to prevent possible injury and fatality on the roads but want to reinforce that finding no drink drivers on the road is the only acceptable result.

"As drivers, we all have a responsibility to keep the roads safe and collectively work to reduce harm caused on Bay of Plenty roads."

'Two intoxicated drivers are two too many," says Road Police Manager Sergeant Christopher Howard.

"Call a friend, sleep on the couch, but don't get behind the wheel.”

The two drivers will be appearing in Whakatane District Court in due course on drink driving related charges.

1 comment

Put before the courts

Posted on 11-07-2023 16:36 | By Let's get real

Maybe... These people will be out there, maybe, doing the same thing until they appear before the courts. At which time they may be given a fine, that they may have no intention of paying, and a suggestion made to please don't do it again. This might happen multiple times. Let's start using the prisons and make them places that you don't want to visit.

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