LIVE: Govt announces new ram-raid criminal offence

The government has announced a new criminal offence targeting ram-raiding, carrying a maximum 10 year sentence.

Speaking to media, Hipkins says there has been an increase in retail crime, including things like ram-raid offending and smash and grabs, over the past few years.

"This has been of significant concern to the community and it's been of significant concern to the government. We acknowledge that many of the people involved in this type of offending are young people, including children as young as 12 and 13.

"We have been failing as a country to deal with the youth offending that we are now seeing and we need to do more.

"We have also been failing the victims of these offences and we need to do more."

Hipkins says there's too many people now afraid to go to work or afraid to live in their homes - if the homes are attached to their work - because of this type of offending.

Hipkins and Children's Minister Kelvin Davis on Tuesday revealed a law and order policy concerning young offenders, announcing the government would build two new youth justice units.

The units will cater for to up to 30 higher-needs youth, Hipkins said.

"These units will aim to provide more intensive support for the most serious offenders, and will predominantly cater for older teenagers. There is a big difference between a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old and the support and guidance that they need.

"We need a continuum of care that recognises that."



Brave words, with an election just around the corner.

Posted on 19-07-2023 13:05 | By morepork

We eliminated Borstal in 1981 because it "didn't work" and there were repeat offenders. Like there are no repeat offenders from the current gab fests that stand in for justice? Young offenders know that they can garner notoriety from their peers, and get some attention from adults, with absolutely NO risk of any actual discomfort or even inconvenience to themselves. How is that a disincentive or deterrent? Modern crimes, when perpetrated by youth, should carry consequences that would make youth stop and think. Removal of privileges like cell-phones and access to social media for a given period, and, in severe cases, removal of freedom and confinement to a locality, all in conjunction with community service towards positive goals that help people. Setting up a very expensive motel for 30 wayward kids is, in my opinion, of doubtful value.

A long time

Posted on 19-07-2023 13:41 | By FRANKS

to even accept there is a problem. There is obviously no one simple solution but there must be consequences for their actions.....not just a wet bus ticket slap on the wrist.

Youth Crime

Posted on 21-07-2023 18:16 | By k Smith

Been going on for years and increasing, now they want to drop the voting age for youngsters who don't even understand how to behave.
HA HA HA What a joke. National nor Labour has got nothing to win my vote.

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