Man taken into custody after search

Photo: File/SunLive.

UPDATE 11.10am: A 36-year-old man has been taken into custody after an armed search in Bethlehem involving police dogs and a drone.

A police spokesperson says the man was taken into custody at 11am.

"Charges are being considered."

EARLIER 10.08am: Police are searching the Bethlehem area for a person of interest.  

Police sighted a person of interest in a vehicle on Wairoa Pa Road, around 7.20am, according to a police spokesperson.

"A drone, and police dog units have been deployed to search the area.

"Police are armed as a precaution.

"Enquiries are ongoing.

"If you see any suspicious activity in the area please call Police on 111 and reference event number: P055531989."


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