Ram raiders target Bayfair Shopping Centre

Photos showing the damage following the burglary. Photos: Christian Froehlich.

Members of the public are reporting a ram raid at Bayfair Shopping Centre.

A SunLive reader has emailed in saying there is significant damage inside the store.

Christian Froelich emailed in photos smashed windows and broken glass this morning.

Christian says it appears whoever broke into the centre, did so through a glass door by the Amazon store.

A police spokesperson says they responded to a burglary where a vehicle was used to gain entry to a shopping centre on Girven Road around 5am.

“Once inside the shopping centre the offenders have broken into two stores.”

Police located the vehicle travelling away from the centre around 5.10am and a pursuit was initiated.

Officers abandoned the pursuit a short time later due to safety concerns.

“The vehicle was located abandoned, with some stolen items still inside on Concord Avenue around 5.30am.  

“The vehicle was towed to be examined.

“Enquiries are ongoing.”



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