Library attack: Mayor calls for more police

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Rotorua's mayor says the city is in desperate need of extra police and has renewed her call for reinforcements after a girl was attacked outside the library.

It's the second time it had happened in the past week - to two different girls.

Rotorua mayor Tania Tapsell says the city is already behind in police numbers, considering it has one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Residents outside the same library where the two teenagers were attacked say they sre becoming concerned for their safety.

"You're almost looking over your shoulder, you're checking the environment out, that's for sure," says Lesley, a concerned resident.

Another resident, Cheyenne, says she's becoming worried for her kids.

"I'm now scared to now actually let my children catch the bus themselves, it's a horrible time."

"It's not good that you can't be in public by yourself without worrying about someone attacking you," says a father.

Many of them agree with their mayor, and say more police will make them feel safer in the city's CBD.

"I would like to see a higher security presence," says Cheyenne.

"I think that would be a good preventative measure first, at least."

"Nothing seems to be done about it really, they just carry on," says one commuter.

But Taniele Edwards, a hapū member of Tura Te Ngakau, a trust supporting local hapū and iwi, says that will only inflame things.

"I don't think that's the solution at all," she says. "I think it would cause more damage, having a police presence just encourages conflict.

"Youngsters don't have a good relationship with police."

Having a daughter of her own, Taniele has been told how awful bus stops can be for young people.

"The kids and their bullying tactics - how they group together, and they just attack anybody that's there that they feel they can get on top of. "

Better, and safer school transport, along with more Māori wardens could help keep younger people feel safe in the short term, says Taniele.

Police Minister Ginny Andersen says arrangements are being made to boost police presence.

"I've just spoken with Tania Tapsell, in terms of what the local plan is to get back on top of safety in the community."

However, National Party spokesperson for police Mark Mitchell says little would be achieved.

"She stood in the house 16 times, in the last few months that she's been minister, saying that people should feel safer," he says.

"I don't expect any response from Ginny Andersen at all to understand or to know what to do with the situation in Rotorua."

Ginny says the mayor will be meeting with the police's Rotorua Area Commander, Herby Ngawhika today.

-Jordan Dunn/RNZ.


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