National leader calls Tauranga traffic a "zoo"

National Party leader Christopher Luxon visiting State Highway 29 in Tauranga today. Photo: Taylor Rice/SunLive.

Leader of the National Party Christopher Luxon is describing the traffic in Tauranga as like a "zoo".

Visting State Highway 29 in Tauriko today while on the campaign trail, Luxon says he has personally had bad experiences with the infrastructure in the city.

"I have been to Tauranga a lot, and I know [the roads] are very clogged up. The infrastructure has not kept up with the growth.

"What is exciting about this road is the commitment we have got from Tauranga City Council, who say they want to see the road get built as well which is fantastic."

Luxon says if the National Party gets into power, the fixing the infrastructure in Tauranga will "remain a priority".

"It's going to be a major focus for us, it is one of the main five things we see as critical to growing our economy."

Luxon says "great infrastructure" such as the Waikato Expressway, Auckland's Waterview Tunnel and the Kapiti Expressway help people become "more productive" economically, as well as benefit them socially as they are able to "connect with their families and friends in a much quicker way".

"Good infrastructure is good for New Zealand as it enhances productivity, and enables us to grow our economy and that's what it is all about."

Luxon adds Tauranga's traffic woes are due to the country "not managing infrastructure well" for "many decades now".

"We have a vision to build New Zealand into one of the leading small advanced countries on earth. A big part of that is how you equip a country with modern, reliable infrastructure."

Luxon describes the party's plan to connect Tauranga to Hamilton, Auckland and Whangarei with a four lane highway is a "big ambition" and "great set of aspiration".

"We want to do it because we know if this country has more reliable infrastructure, as we have seen with the Waikato Expressway, people are able to get home to their families faster, get a few more jobs in, earn more income and be much safer."

As part of his visit to Tauranga, Luxon will be making a policy announcement this afternoon at about 2.45pm.


Not going to make Tauranga council happy.

Posted on 08-09-2023 13:18 | By jed

Tauranga council don't like cars, they want people on bikes. The things that this council are doing to Tauranga roads are backward thinking. Such as closing Links Ave, the very strange cycleways etc.

I can't imagine that Brendan Bisley will be happy with what Luxon is announcing regarding roads (if he does make such an announcement).

That is not fair

Posted on 08-09-2023 14:27 | By FRANKS

because Zoo's I have been to are much better organised than the traffic shambles here.


Posted on 08-09-2023 14:35 | By surfsup

Sadly it sounds like hollow words. 9 years of the last National Government with local mp Simon Bridges as transport minister achieved nothing. A lot of hot air being blown about the state of the road back then and how they were going to upgrade the road from Tauranga to Katikati etc etc but no funding allocated for it. It will be interesting to see things develop.

Global warming perhaps

Posted on 08-09-2023 21:36 | By Let's get real

If the last six years has taught us anything, it has to be that you can promise to solve child poverty, plant millions of trees and to build 10,000 new houses, but that doesn't mean that you have the ability to achieve your goals and honour your commitments. The very first thing that will be announced by the next government, will be that the country is almost bankrupt and the commitments made in the run up to the election will be forgotten eventually.


Posted on 09-09-2023 15:22 | By oceans

Is it any wonder infrastructure was almost non existant with Bridges as Transport Minister. On the other hand with Luxton at the helm Tauranga WILL see huge changes to infrastructure. . Bridges was the wrong person for that position. Luxton is a hard nosed business man and will do the things that he says. Tauranga is trying to get petril cars off the road. What would tauranga do if all cars in Tauranga were suddenly electric. Would they change the roads back to how they were?

Great Roads = No Tolls

Posted on 09-09-2023 15:29 | By Otumoetai Resident

Why do we have worst roads but also most of the tolls in NZ when these 3 "great roads" are free to drive on. How about removing the tolls on Takitimu drive for a start a B grade road which people avoid due to tolls and causes much of the traffic build up on SH29 and Cameron Rd . And TCC say they want to add congestion charging. No clues just more taxes
- Luxon says "great infrastructure" such as the Waikato Expressway, Auckland's Waterview Tunnel and the Kapiti Expressway help people become "more productive" economically, as well as benefit them socially as they are able to "connect with their families and friends in a much quicker way".

National's roading

Posted on 09-09-2023 17:02 | By Patricia Ann Owen

In reply to Surfsup, he/she has a short memory Funding was allocated for the first stage of the Northern arterial route, tenders were about to be called in 2017 when a change of Govt by you know who, cancelled the project.The Welcome Bay bypass/diversion and the BayFair development were started by National. Although a toll road, with the permission of the populace to get the route sooner, the Eastern expressway made a huge difference to the lives of the populace in Te Puke .I used to travel to TePuke from Oropi, and it was a nightmare, especially during the kiwifruit season.The fatalities that used to occur on the Long Swamp road were very frequent Lest We Forget, contributed by Ann Owen

It’s a zoo…

Posted on 11-09-2023 13:17 | By Shadow1

Created by successive governments forcing Local Government to make land available for subdivision. Obviously the existing roads are unable to cope with the ridiculous amount of traffic generated. Add to this the removal of our elected representatives and replacing them with a Commission authorised to override any resistance to their instructions and you have a zoo. This will be the case until our roads are reinstated. Most people are happy that cycle lanes can be constructed but why weren’t they put alongside Takitimu Drive with links to Cameron Road.
I only hope the next government will be a coalition of two or three parties. Everyone knows who they should be.

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