No debate – bowel screening age to be lowered

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Years of advocacy for the screening age to be lowered by Bowel Cancer New Zealand has resulted in a commitment from both major political parties to bring bowel screening from 45 years old.

The charity welcomes the news from last week’s leaders’ debate as it will save many lives, especially with the rising incidence of bowel cancer in younger people. Bowel cancer is 90 per cent curable if caught early, and screening is an effective way of doing this.

"This is fantastic news and will mean fewer lives lost to this silent killer," says Bowel Cancer New Zealand chair Stefan Corbett.

"However, the priority is for bowel screening to be fully implemented for Māori and Pasifika from age 50. The rollout is underway but is taking too long and needs to be sped up to avoid further inequities.

A commitment to lowering the bowel screening age is only the first step. The incoming government needs to set out a clear fiscal and workforce plan for implementing this.  

“Bowel cancer is increasing dramatically in those aged under 50, in New Zealand and around the world,  for unknown reasons," says Bowel Cancer NZ medical advisor Professor Frank Frizelle.

"As the risk factors for the increase are as yet unknown, screening and symptom awareness are the best tools we have to reduce the impact of this trend. So the agreement for those aged 45 to be able to be screened is extremely important.

"There is no debate - lowering the screening age will save countless lives through early detection."

Stage 4 bowel cancer patient Aimee-Rose Yates, 30, who was present at the leader’s debate, says, “The thing is for me, it’s a start, but unfortunately, I was diagnosed when I was 29. There will be more and more people like me who will continue getting diagnosed and will keep dying. Dropping the screening age will save lives; the ball is rolling – let’s get it done!”

In a social post, Patrick Gower, the leader's debate moderator, says the debate is for any families out there affected by bowel cancer.

“It was super special that both leaders committed to bringing down the bowel cancer screening age. It is going to save a lot of Kiwi lives and a lot of heartache. Caught early, bowel cancer can be beaten, and earlier screening gives people a fighting chance. Anything we can do to stop this cruel disease is crucial,” says Patrick.

Bowel Cancer New Zealand encourages open discussion about bowel cancer with medical professionals and avoiding ‘sitting on your symptoms’. These include:

  • Bleeding from the bottom or seeing blood in the toilet after a bowel motion;
  • Change of bowel motions over several weeks without returning to normal;
  • Persistent or periodic severe pain in the abdomen;
  • A lump or mass in the abdomen;
  • Tiredness and loss of weight for no particular reason;
  • Anaemia.

Those who have a family history of bowel cancer or want to do regular checks can talk to their GP and if you have symptoms, you are advised to see your GP immediately. More information on bowel cancer and Bowel Cancer NZ can be found at 

About Bowel Cancer New Zealand
  • Bowel Cancer New Zealand (NZ) is a patient-focused charity organisation.
  • The registered charity was founded in 2010 by a group of people affected by bowel cancer, committed to improving bowel cancer awareness and outcomes for people with the disease.
  • Bowel Cancer NZ aims to provide clear and up-to-date information about the disease, symptoms, what to do if diagnosed and to support patients and families affected by bowel cancer.
  • The ultimate aim of Bowel Cancer NZ is to prevent lives from being lost to this disease and to promote the national screening program rollout in New Zealand.

1 comment


Posted on 02-10-2023 21:03 | By The Caveman

Does this sort of announcement happen JUST BEFORE an election !!!!!

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