Cameron Road/Ninth Ave access closed from Monday

Photo: Google Maps.

The Cameron Road/ Ninth Avenue east intersection access near Pak’nSave will be closed to traffic from 6am Monday, October 9 for three weeks, weather permitting, for streetscape upgrades.

Traffic heading south along Cameron Road, away from the city, will also be reduced to one lane in this area from Eighth Avenue to just before Tenth Avenue.

"Access to Pak'nSave will remain open at the Cameron Road entrance. To access the underground carpark, customers will need to turn down Tenth Avenue, along Norris Street and up Ninth Avenue, or go through the Pak’nSave carpark entrance from Cameron Road," says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson.

"Cameron Road will be accessible from Ninth Avenue east via Norris Street and Tenth Avenue east.

"Noise and vibration are associated with these works as it involves hydro-vac excavation and saw-cutting.   "This work is the part of the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project which will see the Ninth Avenue intersection upgraded from a roundabout to a signalised intersection to improve safety, and provide additional crossing points. 

"Weekend closure of Cameron Road between Fifth Avenue and Fourth Avenue.

"The northbound lanes of Cameron Road heading toward the city between Fifth Avenue west and Fourth Avenue west will be closed from 6am Saturday, October 7 to 6pm Sunday, October 8 for work on the stormwater upgrades.

"During this time, traffic will be diverted down Fifth Avenue west to Edgecumbe Road before re-joining Cameron Road at Fourth Avenue west.

"Fourth Avenue will become exit-only onto Cameron Road during these works.

"Tauranga City Council and the Cameron Road Joint Venture thank you for your patience and understanding while we carry out this essential work.

"For more information about the Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa project, including road closures, visit

"Stage 1 of the Cameron Road upgrade is on track to be completed by the end of December 2023."


The Master

Posted on 06-10-2023 14:56 | By Ian Stevenson

What a mess it all is, how could "Planning" result in such a huge mess, congestion, during and afterwards?

Perhaps it is a TCC thing?

Another “Closure.”

Posted on 07-10-2023 15:58 | By Mommatum

So far we have perfectly good bus stops (with seating and shelter) closed off, parts of Elizabeth Street closed off, road cones everywhere and now this. Cruise ship season is almost upon us and what a fiasco we have to snow our visitors. I predict a mass exodus to Rotorua, Hobbiton and anywhere else to avoid the chaos that has become Tauranga. These contractors are hopeless, and the commissioners should be ashamed of themselves allowing this to continue. We want a functioning city, not something resembling the West Bank or Bazarah.

Over it

Posted on 09-10-2023 14:58 | By nerak

'streetscape upgrades', 'essential work'??? I would like to know how much it is going to cost the ratepayers to 'pretty up' this area which is going to take three weeks to do. Also wonder at the plantings around the area, I believe there is a Kauri on a median strip, and a Rewarewa tree somewhere too. Do the clowns who decide a median strip is a great place for these trees have any idea how big they grow? Obviously not. Keep planting though, and then we can say Tauranga has gone to the....trees...

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