Man rescued after going overboard

Raglan Beach. File photo.

A man who went overboard in Raglan on Sunday morning has been rescued.

"At about 650am this morning Police received reports of one person who had gone overboard on a chartered fishing vessel," says a police spokesperson.

Police SAR, Coastguard and a Helicopter were deployed to the area.

Police say the crew of the vessel had been fishing when a large wave hit and the cabin collapsed, causing minor injuries to those in the cabin.

"The man who went overboard was standing at the back of the vessel and was swept off by the wave.

''Responsibly, he was wearing a life jacket and had an Emergency Locator Beacon."

The man was located by Coastguard in the water a short time later and has been transported to hospital to be assessed.

Worksafe and Maritime NZ have been notified.

An investigation into the incident remains ongoing. 


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