Excellence awards for Graeme Dingle participants

Award winners of the night. Photos: Salina Galvan Photography.

Accolades continue to flow following the presentation of excellence awards to youth from Western Bay of Plenty schools.

About 250 people attended the Graeme Dingle Foundation Regional Excellence Awards at Mercury Arena where 17 awards were presented.

The MC for the Wednesday evening, Spencer McNeil, thanked the sponsors that make the Graeme Dingle Foundation programmes in schools possible.

“[It’s] now impacting on over 3,800 young people each week through Kiwi Can, Stars, Career Navigator, Project K,  and He Ara Akonga,” says Spencer.

Atutahi Henare opened the awards evening with karakia, followed by the presentations.

Kiwi Can awards

There were four Kiwi Can awards, acknowledging positive relationships, resilience, integrity, and respect.

The Positive Relationships Award, sponsored by Cinch and Strike, has gone to Georgia Hungerford from Te Ranga School.

“Georgia is a person who stands out amongst her peers in modelling the values of Kiwi Can and the school, having a ripple effect on those around her,” says a Graeme Dingle Foundation spokesperson.

“When working in a group and some may be off task Georgia is able to bring the group together and back on task.  Georgia is a Peer Mediator at school and also carries plasters for younger students who get hurt. A true leader and worthy winner of the Positive Relationships Award.

Winner of the Resilience Award, sponsored by BayTrust, is Zephanaiah Reid from Te Kura o Te Matai.

“Resilience is the ability to bounce back up and try again and Zephaniah is a prime example of a resilient young person.

“When things don’t go his way he will persevere to get the best outcome for all and never give up. He is so respected and an example to all at kura and described as carrying himself with immense grace, warmth, mana-enhancing communication and kindness.

Kaimai School pupil Jeremiah Hayward has won the Integrity Award, sponsored by Sharp Tudhope.

“Even with distractions around him Jeremiah shines through every week. He consistently participates, encourages others and gives his all in every Kiwi Can lesson he is in.

“Even though he is only eight he takes on the seniors in Wednesday fitness always encouraging his peers. His class has made changes from some being challenging to winning most class points in Kiwi Can in two terms and Jeremiah has played a large part in helping create positive changes.

The fourth Kiwi Can award, the Respect Award, has gone to Quinn Flavell from Fairhaven School. This award was sponsored by Generation Homes and presented by Hilary Bush.

“Quinn’s Leaders describe her as one of the most respectful students they have ever taught,” says a foundation spokesperson.

“She has wonderful manners and always uses polite language.

“Quinn supports all her peers and helps the Maori immersion unit, in karakia, karanga, mihi and waiata.

Through aroha she has helped her class come from a place at the start of the year where there could have been frustration and use of negative language, to now displaying respect and Kiwi Can and school values.”

The Kiwi Can Leader Team award for 2023 was awarded to Gemma Tidswell and Atutahi Henare and is sponsored by Wright Family Foundation.

“Gemma and Atutahi are outstanding Kiwi Can Leaders for Fairhaven Primary and Kaimai School, and seen as heroes to the many tamariki they support each week.

“Their messages come through in their lessons and they have grown strong bonds with the students they teach. They are fully engaged in their school communities providing extra support to give our tamariki the best chance in life. Kiwi Can Leaders and amazing role models.”


Outstanding Kiwi Can School 2023:

The winner of the Outstanding Kiwi Can School for 2023 is Fairhaven Primary School.  Principal Sandra Cross accepted the award which is sponsored by Acorn Foundation

“Teachers at Fairhaven Primary actively take part in and support Kiwi Can which strengthens and re-inforces the messages being taught so the whole school is on the same page bringing consistency to tamariki across the school community,” says a Graeme Dingle Foundation spokesperson.

“The school staff have strong relationships with their students and our liaison meets regularly to discuss the topics and themes and communicates them to school staff to help get the best outcomes. Thank you Fairhaven for once again being an exceptional Kiwi Can school.”

Stars Awards     

The Stars – Outstanding Participation Year 9 student for 2023 is Max Saienni from Otumoetai College. This award is sponsored by Generation Homes.

Max was unable to make it to the awards night, as he was receiving another award tonight as well, award tonight as well, “which shows just how outstanding he is”

“Max has gone from a quiet student at the start of the year to a fully engaged and confident student, who supports his peers to also grow in confidence. He attends all Stars activities in and out of the classroom. Max role models being a good student while helping others when they are having a bad day.”

The Stars Excellence in Peer Mentoring award sponsored by Wright Family Foundation and presented on the night by Samuel Wright was awarded to Alexis Cory.

“Alexis often fronts the lessons to year 9 students with support from her other Peer Mentors.

After just three lessons Alexis wanted to improve the team work with Peer Mentors, and give the Year 9s a quality, informative and fun lesson. She helped bring the Peer Mentors together and work better as a group. She learnt the names of the entire class in the first lesson, and takes a genuine interest in them.

Alexis is always so positive always encouraging of her year 9s.”

He Ara Akonga Excellence Awards

The first He Ara Akonga award was awarded to Pharrell Hika Russell and is sponsored by the Wright Family Foundation.

Pharrell was unable to attend the awards night due to work commitments.

“Pharrell has given everything a go from abseiling to skydiving and always with a positive give everything a go attitude, always smiling and encouraging others to do the same. He has made many accomplishments, improving school attendance, participating in sports including the 1st 15, passing NCEA and working part time as well. Well done to Pharrell on being the best version of himself he can be.”

The second He Ara Akonga award went to Mata Puata Biel, and is sponsored by Western” Bay of Plenty Council and presented by Sam Wilburn.

“Mata has overcome many challenges, giving his all at everything he does. He returned from our wilderness adventure full of gratitude. One of the biggest highlights was the connections and friendships made.

“Mata has been smashing out many goals, on track to pass NCEA and his fitness goals. He is a young man who shows all of our values in all he does.”

The third He Ara Akonga award went to Zhaeisha Pukero, and is sponsored by DMS Progrowers and presented by John Bourke.

“Zhaeisha has been a constant inspiration to those around her, and always been enthusiastic to participate in all aspects of our programme.

“She pushed herself and overcame obstacles, has improved her attendance and excelled academically. She is passionate about sports and Te Ao Haka, is receiving a citizenship award and thriving in all areas of life.

“Zhaeisha also has big dreams of becoming a lawyer and we believe she will be a great one.”

Career Navigator award               

The next excellence award of the night was for Career Navigator, awarded to Eden Pointon from Katikati College. The award, sponsored by Claymark Sawmills, was presented by Josie Ball.

“Eden opted in to Career Navigator and has a passion to do her best. She has overcome big challenges and has clear goals for her future, now studying at the Waikato University campus here in Tauranga.

“We are incredibly proud of her resilience and vision for the future.”

Project K Excellence Awards

Three students have been presented with Project K Excellence Awards.

The first Project K Excellence Award, sponsored by Claymark Sawmills was awarded to Amara Wisler who attended Katikati College and now attends Bethlehem College.

“Amara is quiet achiever who has a real empathy to help others. Often making many personalised cards for charity and is very talented with textiles and loves to sew. Amara has already achieved level 2 NCEA, and fits work into her busy life as well.”

The second Project K Excellence Award, sponsored by Tauranga City Council was awarded to Olivia Whiteside from Otumoetai College.                        

“Olivia has made significant changes and is now enjoying school and life. She is achieving most of her NCEA credits and takes on any challenge and opportunity she is given like skydiving and The Tough Guy and Gal Challenge.

“Olivia is a truly genuine and confident young woman with a huge future.”

Winner of the third Project K Excellence Awards has gone to Kaitlin Lockyer. The award is sponsored by The Bay of Plenty Education Trust.

“Kaitlin, as well as skydived, has regularly volunteered her time to help Parent to Parent. She is passing NCEA with flying colours, with over 90 per cent of her attempted credits.

“Gone is the quiet and anxious girl, and she is now a confident and successful young woman with big goals for her future. We look forward to following Kaitlin’s journey.

Don Young Award for Outstanding Volunteer in memory of former Trustee Don Young

The Don Young Award, sponsored by Wright Family Foundation was presented by Janet Young to Helen Fraser.

“Helen is a long-time supporter of The Graeme Dingle Foundation, having mentored four girls including a current Mount College student.

“She has helped with work experience, fundraisers for our charity, and been a long-term friend to mentees and to the organisation.

“Helen is a busy business owner, and has a family but has still given her time and aroha for the past 10 years to awhi and support our rangatahi. Thank you Helen for helping our young people in Project K become the best versions of themselves.”

Project K Alumni Award for Excellence

Sponsored by the Tauranga Energy for Education Trust and presented by Peter Blackwell, the Project K Alumni Award for Excellence went to Luke Fletcher.

“Luke took part in Project K 15 years ago and has achieved more than many his age in such a short time.

“He was never interested in a trade or sports but he had the perfect mentor, Paul, who was a Welsh Rugby playing plumber and they hit it off straight away.

“Paul helped Luke with school work and setting and achieving goals, many of which Luke achieved during Project K and he excelled after he left school.

“Luke has a passion for retail and at a very young age trained and became a retail manager and has been a manager for major brands for several years now. Congratulations Luke on being an outstanding alumni of Project K.”

Acknowledgement of Chloe Wright and Manu Wihapi

Graeme Dingle Foundation Western Bay of Plenty manager Dan Allen acknowledged Chloe Wright and Manu Wihapi who have passed away this year.

“I would like to acknowledge some amazing people. Firstly our friend and huge supporter Chloe Wright who passed away a month ago, a mover and shaker who took a personal interest in our mahi and our young people,” says Dan.

“Also to our Kaumatua Manu Wihapi who passed away last year who was such a humble, patient and non-judgemental elder who dedicated his life to our community and tangata whenua in the region.”

Dan also acknowledged the local team of 19 as well as the foundation’s trustees “that give us the support, resource and strength to help our young people be transformational in their lives and that of their communities”.

“If you would like to help more young people to succeed through our proven programmes, please see us.”

People are invited to be a mentor for Project K or Career Navigator. There is also opportunity to become a Friend or Sponsor of the Graeme Dingle Foundation and donate to pay it forward for a young person

“Maybe you would like to host or run an event or jump from a plane to raise the needed funds for our mahi. Just see myself or our team to be a friend of GDF,” says Dan.


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