Tauranga pools owners gear up for summer

Aaron Hughes.

The warmer weather is motivating Bay of Plenty pool owners into action, with TGA Spa + Pool Fix reporting an uptake of their pool maintenance services and surprisingly an increase of people upgrading their spas.

Owner Aaron Hughes says there are approximately 400 new spa pools sold and 300 pools installed per annum in the area.

“We have a lot more pools in this city than you’d guess, because even though we are close to the sea, the water is pretty cold for a lot of the year. People also love the social aspect of owning a pool, with neighbourhood kids gathering around homes with pools,” says Hughes.

Most people are time-poor and would rather have an expert clean their pool. “The chemicals can catch people out, we’ve gone around to pools and they are luminous green, because the owner got the chemical balance out of kilter.”

Aaron says they have noticed people upgrading their spas, either buying new or taking the more affordable route of purchasing a second-hand refurbished spa.

“Even with hot weather on the way the lure of a therapeutic soak when you get home is pretty appealing, it’s great for your muscles, your mental health and winding down with the whānau.

“There is enough room for a spa pool in most properties (the average measurement is 2m x 2m x 800cm height), which is why they are so popular, “ he says. 

He recommends cleaning a pool every one to two weeks in summer and every three/four weeks in winter. 



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