Get spooky in Te Puke!

People dressed up for Halloween at last year’s Te Puke Treat Trail. Photo: Kelly OHara Images.

Get your spooky movie costumes ready for Te Puke’s Treat Trail on Halloween afternoon, which starts at 3pm Tuesday, October 31.

Epic Te Puke’s Rebecca Larsen invites everyone to the town’s annual Halloween event to bring the community together!

“This year’s theme is ‘Spooky movies’ which loosely could mean many things – and is up to individuals as how to they decide to dress to the theme,” says Rebecca.

“I’m sure we’ll see a lot of Wednesdays [from ‘The Addams family’] – but you can dress up as any type of movie character that’s inspiring or spooky or whatever character kids want to be!”

Te Puke’s Treat Trail starts at Te Puke War Memorial Hall on Jellicoe St at 3pm. For safety, children aged under-14 should be accompanied by an adult. “We’ll have treat trail map posters up at the hall for people to follow.” The map will also be online at:

Rebecca says the event is a few hours of fun for young and old – and offers an alternative to people walking around the neighbourhood “because by people meeting in town, they are coming together as a community – and everyone can see everyone’s costumes”.

“A number of shops are registered to dish out treats or have activities for trail-goers, with the event to finish 5pm. We’ll also have some interesting things to look at in the hall.”

Plus, Spooky movie competition entrants will enjoy an invite-only premiere and awards ceremony in the hall from 5.30pm. More details at:


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