Carparking: ‘The Tron’ versus TGA

Hamilton City’s Ward St, which has a mix of two-hour free timed carparks and paid parking. Photo: supplied.

Could carparking be greener on the other side of the hill?  It’s no secret that Tauranga CBD has gone through a lot of parking changes over the past year, with the reintroduction of paid parking in the city’s “core area” last December.

It’s also no secret that this caused a fuss among some city folk with less free carparks on hand.

With more paid parking spaces set to radiate out in the city as part of council’s Parking Management Plan in coming months, let’s take a step back, look beyond our own carparks and see what a nearby sister city is doing for their community in the parking realm.

The Sun reached out to Hamilton City Council to hear what their CBD’s parking offers.

For context, Tauranga is NZ’s fifth largest city with an estimated population of 158,300. 

Hamilton is NZ’s fourth largest city with an estimated population of 179,900. Both the Bay of Plenty and Waikato – including Otago – grew faster than the NZ average by the end of June 2023, according to Stats NZ.

Parking in ‘The Tron’

In Hamilton CBD there is a mix of free, time-limited and metered on and off-street parking available seven days a week. For the past six years, Hamilton City Council has included free two-hour parking options daily in their CBD.

“[In 2017] Two-hour free parking was introduced to encourage the turnover of on-street parking to support businesses and get more people to spend time in the central city,” says HCC executive director of infrastructure operations Eeva-Liisa Wright.

“Two hours was identified as providing enough time for most people to do their business and shopping in the central city.”

Back over in our city, free time-limited parking during weekdays has been removed from the CBD since last year.

More paid parking changes are set for Tauranga City come February. Photo: supplied.

“Paid parking in the city centre was reintroduced in December 2022 to support retailers and customers who were concerned on-street parking spaces were being occupied by workers who were parking there all day,” says TCC director of transport Brendan Bisley.

“Since reintroduction of paid parking, we’ve seen a noticeable increase in the number of carparks that are available for people visiting the city centre for a short amount of time during the day. In terms of parking transactions, we are seeing a higher turnover of carparks in the city centre on a daily basis and foot traffic has remained steady.”

February rollout

Further removal of Tauranga CBD’s free timed parking spaces in city fringe areas was set for staggered rollout in November, but last week council decided to delay this until after summer.

The next phase of the paid parking rollout will now take place February 2024 and be effective from Third Ave up to Arundel St, and from McLean St up to Monmouth St.

With Hamilton’s mix of free timed and paid parking options throughout the week, The Sun asked HCC the benefits of this.

Tauranga City’s ‘core areas’ switched to paid parking last December. Photo: SunLive. 

“Parking options in the central city are continuing to be updated to suit the market such as the introduction of all-day paid parking for commuters,” says Eeva-Liisa.

“A mix of parking options suits the variety of people who come into the central city with two-hours’ free parking for those wanting to visit businesses to shop or eat.”

It begs the question – would TCC consider bringing back free timed parking options to the CBD in the working week? 

“Since the introduction of paid parking in the city centre data is tracking positively in terms of parking turnover, and foot traffic, so we are not planning to revert back to free parking in the city centre during the working week,” says Brendan.



Posted on 30-10-2023 06:54 | By Bruja

The only reason there are now 'available' carparks in the CBD is because you've killed off businesses.....a MASSIVE number......and NO-ONE is visiting the CBD because of the parking charges combined with ENDLESS blocked off roads and a sea of orange cones.
Now we get told that ANOTHER 140+ carparks are to be ripped out oh and lookie- lookie now we have new 'businesses' on Cameron Road. LARGE overseas companies selling petrol-powered/diesel-powered behemoths. Oh how very 'green'. How very well they fir the new 'no cars in the city' model. Well apart from the overseas corporate giants of course.
How you people can sleep at night with what you're doing to small businesses is beyond me.


Posted on 30-10-2023 08:26 | By Nash

It's time TCC thought things through before making ridiculous decisions. The city centre is dirty, empty, full of road cones and empty shops which are unkempt, yet the council returns to expensive parking fees - just the thing to keep it empty. At the very least return to free parking after 3pm, and don't ticket people parking at 4.55pm to attend a council function where the doors close at 5pm. It's just mean spirited and money grubbing.

But they have a say

Posted on 30-10-2023 10:03 | By an_alias

Our over paid and un-elected controllers know whats best for businesses.
We have all watched it die in there and have no say even though we pay the taxes


Posted on 30-10-2023 11:10 | By Yadick

Yes parking is definitely greener on the other side of the hill, in fact every hill.
Bisley blatantly states he will not change our parking but if you think about it, why would he? He has free all day parking at TCC the same as the Commissioners. All of them most likely driving as single occupants in their cars. Here's an idea for Brendan and the Commissioners, take a few months out of your free carpark and park like everyone else has to. Stash your money away and live only off minimum wage for a few months. Better still, spend those few months taking buses or a Lime Scooter like you expect everyone else to do.


Posted on 30-10-2023 11:24 | By Yadick

What shops (not including poor ol' hospitality) are in the CBD apart from Farmers to attract this thriving business you speak of back into our town. Office blocks and TCC, unwanted art galleries, museums, and meeting rooms (with big long, unpronouncable (and meaningless to most) names) are hardly going to cause a thriving metropolis.
Oh but wait, there is a big wooden building going up and therefore another forest going down.
Nothing you are doing points, to me anyway, to a thriving CBD that you keep promising.

The Master

Posted on 30-10-2023 12:13 | By Ian Stevenson

The comments above seem to be on the money about TCC and parking.

What is missing through, is that the TCC "planning" is intentionally taking out as many carparks as possible. Call it the "Great experiment"... like already happened many times before around the world and is known to be a 100% failure, therefore it is perfect for TCC just have to do it.

parking infidgments

Posted on 30-10-2023 12:36 | By Bill S

Apart from the availability ?? of car parks and the cost there is are 55 reasons why it is not wise to enter the CBD of Tauraunga in your car or vehicle.
There are 55 possible infringement notices that can be issued by the TCC traffic department .
A big Welcome to TCC CBD


Posted on 30-10-2023 13:47 | By morepork

I read your post several times and endorse it 100%. I don't know how they can sleep nights either. If there was any shred of integrity or decency left in them, they would publish an apology to the people of Tauranga and resign forthwith. What used to be a lively provincial town with its own buzz and fun to visit, has been systematically destroyed and mismanaged, to the point where people don't want to go there any more. The fate of our city was determined by appointed minions of a Nanny state that knows what is best for everybody, and answers to nobody, without needing to consult with the people who live there, and who will be paying for it. Why was it OK for a $300 million development without even a referendum of the locals? Why has there been no engagement with the community BEFORE priorities were determined?

Lack of Business

Posted on 30-10-2023 14:14 | By Come on TCC!

Pretty sure the turn over of car parks would have more to do with the lack of businesses and empty buildings in this ghost town.
Who wants to fluff around with parking meters when you are only ducking into a shop for the likes of a lotto ticket or takeaway coffee? Hamilton seems to have a bit more sense

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