Pilot Bay sand replenishment to start

Sand is being replaced in Pilot Bay where it has been lost to storm damaged, drift, wind and wave action. Photo: Rosalie Liddle Crawford.

Due to the wet weather last week, the works to replenish the sand at Pilot Bay ahead of a long, hot summer are now anticipated to get underway from this week commencing today, November 6.

Also known as beach renourishment, sand is typically replenished to replace sediment that’s been lost due to storm damage, drift, wind and wave action.

“We are adding sand to areas across Pilot Bay which have been affected by recent weather events like Cyclone Gabrielle, which caused considerable coastal erosion,” says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson.

Sand will be replaced in small sections along Pilot Bay, meaning that parts of the beach will be temporarily fenced off and inaccessible for short periods over approximately five days.

“Working this way still maintains some beach access for our community.”

During these works, several carparks located near Salisbury Wharf and the corner of Salisbury Ave and The Mall, will be unavailable.

The public toilets located along The Mall near Pacific Ave will remain open. 

The last time sand was replaced in this area was 2021.

This work is weather-dependent.

“If it is delayed because of weather or other unforeseen circumstances, it may be carried out at another suitable date.”


Source of Sand

Posted on 06-11-2023 11:39 | By Tumeke Tauranga

Just interested - where does the sand come from? Is it from dredging the harbour or from other parts of the coast?

Major road works

Posted on 06-11-2023 14:27 | By DaKiwiBean

Has anyone counted the Number of individuals involved in what should be a quite simple task. Road control Signalman, Truck drivers, Digger/spreader drivers etc, etc. Who's paying???? Nearly as bad as Cameron Road fiasco.
Yes, sand should be replaced, but who's paying????

Tail chasing

Posted on 06-11-2023 17:01 | By Let's get real

We import fresh sand from who knows where at whatever cost the city partners want to charge and it washes into the shipping channel. Is there a genuine need for sand to be shipped in immediately or could we wait for the next dredging operation...? Who is behind the nice-to-have movement in the city...? Or is it just "We have unused rates, how can we spend them...?".

Sandy Shores

Posted on 12-11-2023 16:39 | By What the…?

I think you'll find the Port makes a significant positive contribution to this initiative and has done so for many years.

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