Roadworks gang doing an amazing job!

My wife and I moved to Tauranga from Auckland six years ago and I now look forward to receiving my copy of The Weekend Sun every Friday.

My favourite section of the paper is Letters, not that many of them are that interesting, but because I like to see the same old names of the ‘Moaning Minnies’ crop up each week with their constant whinging and whining. It used to be about the city council, then the Commissioners and now it’s all about the roadworks.

It is obvious, when walking around Tauranga, that the infrastructure has been neglected for decades and will take a good deal of work to bring it up to scratch. Obviously, this will take some considerable time and is causing major disruption, which we all have to live with.

Currently, we have one large group of the workforce engaged in extensive works outside our apartment, at the top of Elizabeth St and Tunks Reserve and, being retired, I have ample time to watch the work progress and marvel at the co-ordination and organisation the work demands.

Neil and his gang are doing an amazing job, keeping residents informed and ensuring access for residents and businesses at all times, while working incredibly hard. If you stuck a tracker on some of these guys, you’d be amazed at the distance they cover in the working day and Neil should change his name to ‘Energiser Bunny’.

Sure, there are one or two who ‘lean on their shovels’ but this is true of any workforce. I was in the British Merchant Navy for 10 years and you could always guarantee that, come time to ‘store-ship’, there were always the same faces making excuses to get out of doing the work.

The letter in The Sun recently, comparing roadbuilding in the flat, empty, Sinai Desert with Cameron Rd, is laughable, when you begin to understand what services and infrastructure are actually encorporated into the re-building of the road.

So keep up the moaning letters people, I look forward to my weekly chuckle.

Phil Saul, Tauranga City.


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