Celebrating International Day of Disabled Persons

Everyone is invited to come and show their support and join in for a free, family-friendly, fun-filled celebration at Mount Drury - Hopukiore from 10am-1pm, Sunday December 3. Photo: Tauranga City Council.

An event celebrating International Day of Disabled Persons will be held in early December at Mount Maunganui.

"We’ll be hosting an event to mark International Day of Disabled Persons at Hopukiore (Mount Drury) Reserve on Sunday, 3 December, from 10am to 1pm," says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson.

"If you’re in the area, join us to celebrate International Day of Disabled Persons, where we’ll showcase Tauranga’s vibrant disability community including live performances by Sophie Maude, singer Hayley Little, dancing by Mount Dance Co, social circus act Circability and Idea Services Kapa Haka."

The popular beach wheelchairs will be available, as will the Te Kaiwhakatere  - Trail Rider - for rides to the top of Hopukiore and back.

"Have a go at a circus ability workshop or try adaptive yoga with Amie Jefferies.We’ll have activity stands and information highlighting local support services and facilities, a photobooth, facepainting, a sausage sizzle and more! 

One in four New Zealanders identifies as disabled.

The International Day of Disabled Persons aims to promote disability rights and celebrate the contributions and achievements of disabled people.

To allow for event preparations and pack down, a small amount of car parks will be impacted, reducing the number of parking spaces available near the corner of Grace Avenue and Marine Parade between 7am to 4pm on the day.
"The Mount is always a popular place to be at the weekend, and we expect a fantastic turnout at the event," says a council spokesperson.

"We encourage you to plan ahead if travelling by car, or better yet take the bus, bike, or walk where possible."
Everyone is invited to come and show their support and join in for a free, family-friendly, fun-filled celebration at Mount Drury - Hopukiore from 10am-1pm, Sunday December 3.
Find out more at www.mytauranga.co.nz/idodp


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