Council issues illegal green waste dumping warning

A person busted via CCTV illegally dumping green waste on Bell Road. Supplied photo.

Before you fire up the lawnmower and weed eater, make sure you have a plan to dispose of your green waste responsibly.

That’s the message from Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s waste team after catching on CCTV one member of the public making their green waste Council’s problem. 

“We recently caught a man dropping a huge pile of grass clippings on the side of Bell Road, which is so disappointing, and also unsafe,” says council’s solid waste contract manager Tony Wilson.

“If you’re caught, we’ll be passing on the clean-up fee for what you’ve left behind, which in some cases can total $400. That’s why it’s important to dump your waste properly. It’s cheaper in the long run, plus, it’s better for our environment.

“Dumping of pest weeds, such as Agapanthus or Jasmine is also illegal and a major risk to our environment. We are concerned this behaviour could cause pest weeds to spread throughout the District – and we don’t want that.”

There are several ways you can dispose of your green waste. In the WBOP District, residential green waste can be taken to our recycle centres at Te Puke, Katikati and Athenree, as well as the green waste centre in Ōmokoroa.

Transfer Station on Truman Lane in Mount Maunganui is another nearby option available. Commercial operators can provide bins and collections to some homes for a fee too.

Tony says most of our community is disposing of their green waste responsibly, which is great. However, the few getting it wrong are costing the Council, and ratepayers, an increasing amount of money every year.

“Aside from spreading pest weeds and costing lots, illegal dumping can also block drains, which impacts aquatic plants and animals. It can also be an eyesore, and we want our community to be proud of clean District.”

For other waste, residents are encouraged to use Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) tags and kerbside bins. Not sure which bin to put something in? Use the Kerbside Collective website to find out.

Other waste for landfill that doesn’t fit into your kerbside bins can be taken to Te Maunga Transfer Station.

“We all need to play our part in looking after our environment, so please, do the right thing and dispose of any waste the right and responsible way,” says Tony.

“It starts with knowing what the rights ways are, so we really encourage our Western Bay whānau to do some research and share what you learn with your neighbours. It’s going to take us all working together to divert waste from landfill and to take great care of our environment.”


Gate Pa

Posted on 23-11-2023 07:25 | By Angel74

Saw this happening in gate pa, apologies if u had permission..........


Posted on 23-11-2023 09:01 | By Davy

But we live in Katikati our nearest transfer station is 80k round trip

Someone dumped their clippings at our house

Posted on 23-11-2023 11:03 | By jed

Had this happen this week -- some cretin dumped their lawn clippings into the planter box built into our fence.

We forget

Posted on 23-11-2023 15:39 | By Let's get real

We forget that councils were established to provide for the health and well-being of the residents and rates were raised to pay for this. How many of the core responsibilities of councils have been outsourced to private companies, thus reducing the pressure on council empire building funds. Our rates are no longer used to provide the basics, such as free rubbish removal and clean water. Instead we're building eco-friendly office spaces, Museums, Art galleries, libraries, meeting spaces and empty buses running 18 hours a day. The people paying for others wants (Not needs) are no longer being supported by council, they are increasingly supporting private companies and commissioners glory projects. If I could legally exempt myself from council rates, I don't believe that I would be the only one. Establish USER PAYS and see how important Museums and art galleries are if entrants are paying the construction costs.


Posted on 23-11-2023 16:57 | By dumbkof2

the huge cost the councils and transfer stations are charging is forcing some people to dump their rubbish on roadsides.

Katikati resident

Posted on 24-11-2023 11:37 | By GeoffL

I don't understand why people arent using a mulching lawn mower? There is no need to throw away perfectly good nutrients. Also, they need to stop scalping their lawns, especially this time of year. Flick that lever on your lawn mowers up a notch or two, and mow weekly. Less weeds and a greener lawn.

@ Let's get real

Posted on 24-11-2023 14:57 | By Yadick

Excellent post. Totally agree with you.
Just for interest sake, if I trim my neighbors overhanging trees etc I am supposed to by law, give the cuttings back to him. So if I mow the councils grass berm outside my house . . .

And why should traffic according to Council law be allowed to park on it and destroy it at my cost?

Sad But Understandable

Posted on 25-11-2023 07:29 | By Thats Nice

The cost of taking anything to the dump is ridiculous after having experienced this recently clearing a house and section. I'm not surprised at all why people dump stuff on the side of the road and the distance you have to travel to do so is just plain idiotic.

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