Christmas tournaments at Waihi Golf Club

The recently opened new pro shop at the Waihi Golf Club. Photo: Rodger Bagshaw.

Waihi Golf Club member Rodger Bagshaw is reporting on the week that was at the club, from November 26 to December 2.

The Waihi golfing week started and finished with Christmas tournaments.

Waihi Open Christmas Tournament

The course was full of Christmas cheer and hope on Sunday November 26 as 79 players eagerly played for that elusive ham.

The field consisted of not only Waihi golfers, but visiting players from 18 other clubs. With the course in excellent condition, there was a lot of even scoring.

The major winners were, in the Gross, Andy Roche (who added to his ham collection) with a gross 74, but on a countback from Dave Campbell (RNZAF Auckland).

The Nett winner was Jock Stronach with a nett 68, also on count back, as was the Stableford winner John Drent with 40 points.

The remainder of the prizes were on stableford, and in Division 1, first was Richard Taitoko with 39 points, followed by Rhys Peden and Trevor Bradley (Flexiclub) with 38, while on 37 points were Adrian Ball (Tirau), Harison Madsen, and Calin Samson.

With 36 points were Dave Campbell (RNZAF), Simon Mustard, and Paul Williams.

In Division 2, Paul Morgan was top with 39 points, with Tayla Turnbull next on 38, followed by Martine Milicich and Jim Evans with 37.

Denise Morgan, Korrina Linsay, Denise Donald, Ken Purcell, and Christopher Astwood (Fairview) all had 36 points.

Monday Vets

A good sized field contested a nett haggle on another fine Monday, but the niggly wind was still present.

Errol Millar had his best round for a while, and couldn’t be bettered with a nett 64, still clear of Eddie Bruce, Rob Morrison, and Avon Gordon, who all had very good scores of 68 nett.

Allen Smith had a nett 71, with Rae Brown on 72. John Libby, Allen Sarjant, and Jan Robinson all finished on 73.

Tuesday Nine Hole Section

The contest this week was the second round of the Summer Cup, and winning this week was Val McLoughlin with a nett 31, followed by Michelle Bonnici with 32.

Lynda Thomson had a nett 33, while Rex Smith and Helen Brady both had 34. On 35 were John Vautier, Jill Mason, and Anne-Louise Erceg.

Thursday Men

The fine weather brought out two good fields for the day’s two haggles.

In the morning division 1, Earle White won with 41 points, well clear of Tim Parish on 37, and Howard Anderson 36. In division 2, Harry Shepherd was at it again with 39 points, just ahead of Graham O’Dwyer on 38. Bob Baunton and Tom Rowbotham both had 35.

In the afternoon haggle, Rob Page finished with 41 points, just ahead of Rex Knight, Craig Sandlant, and Ron Arthur all with 40 points, while Graeme Culton had 39. Peter Bramble, Brian Roche, and Paul Morgan all had 38 points.

Waihi members only Christmas Tournament

A fabulous turnout of 91 members entered the tournament on Saturday December 2. Although the weather looked somewhat doubtful early on, the rain stayed away for good conditions except for some strong breezes.

The overall major winners of the day were, for the Gross was John Libby with a gross 76, while the best Nett was taken out by Kristine Gascoigne with a fine 66 nett.

The best Stableford was won (at long last) by Rodger Bagshaw with 41 points.

The Division 1 winners were (all on countback) Ross Fitness, Ted Murray, Peter Wright, Grant Robson, and Brian Baynes, all with 38 points.

Then on 37 points, were David Oliver, Francis Gascoigne, and Earle White., with Richard Taitoko and Jackie Robson both with 36.

In Division 2, Clive Donald had 40 points, with Shoneen Dunning and Phillipa Harvey both having 39 points.

Ian Diver and Rob Morrison both with 38, while Phillip Wordley and 37, then Desley Rosevear and Mavis Bruce finished with 36.

Rodger Bagshaw.


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