Parliament protest: Six cases of excessive force

Police form a line around protesters at Parliament on March 16, 2022. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone.

The police watchdog has found officers used excessive force in six incidents during last year's protest and occupation of Parliament's grounds.

The Independent Police Conduct Authority said of 1905 complaints relating to the protest, it has made 19 further investigations.

Another two complaints were received following the publication of the IPCA's general report regarding the protest and occupation in April 2023, meaning that 21 specific complaints were considered by the IPCA, in 17 separate investigations.

Across these 17 investigations, the IPCA found the police use of force was excessive in six instances and there was an adverse finding in relation to the impoundment and damage of a vehicle.

Its chair, Judge Kenneth Johnston KC, has found a police officer's initial use of a fire extinguisher against protesters on March 2, the final day of the protest, was in self-defence and justified.

However, he and other officers were not justified in continuing to spray protesters after they had turned their backs and were trying to climb down from the column.

Another officer used excessive force in punching an elderly man twice in the head in defence of a female colleague.

Deputy Commissioner Jevon McSkimming says police acknowledge the findings.

The police were faced with a level of violence never before experienced in New Zealand and he's proud of their response, he says.

... More to come



Absolute Bollocks

Posted on 14-12-2023 22:36 | By Yadick

What an absolute load of dribble. The out of control and appalling protesters deserved everything they got and more. HOW DARE THEY BRING OUR FLAG INTO IT.
If you want to see true excessive force, Police brutality then go visit my home country of Russia.
What was excessive was how long it was allowed to drag on for.
The Army should have been brought in and the thumb in mouth protesters removed.


Posted on 14-12-2023 23:14 | By The Caveman

The so called protesters varied from "I'm just here to express my objection" to the other end " I'm here to CAUSE TROUBLE'!!!!!!!!!

How do the POLICE on the ground sort out the difference ????

SIMPLE anyone that is AGGRESSIVE is attacking the LAW !!!

DEAL TO THEM !!! In the manner necessary !! Excessive force !!

SORRY -- If YOU as a member of the public want to get violent with the POLICE, you take what you get - EXCESSIVE force NAH!!

I say the CLEAN OUT was a job well done and should have been done a WEEK earlier - OH - but the SOFT CHAP was in control of the POLICE !!!!

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