Fire crews battle fire on Matakana Island

Fire on Matakana Island, seen from Matua. Photo: Cameron Avery.

Update, 11.20pm: Fire emergency services are responding to a large forestry fire on Matakana Island on Saturday evening.

“Fire and Emergency was alerted to a forest fire on Matakana Island near Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty at 7.36pm this evening," says Fire and Emergency Shift Manager Garreth Lewis.

"We have several crews in attendance at the fire in a forestry block in south Matakana.

“The fire is approximately 300 metres by 300 metres and its very visible from the mainland at this stage."

Fire brigades from Matakana Island and Greerton are responding to the fire which appears to be on the seaward side of the island.

The large fire plume has been seen from across Tauranga, with SunLive readers in Pahoia, Matua and Maungatapu saying they can see it from their properties.

There is a low northerly breeze with wind at about 14 km per hour, and MetService has forecast some spots of rain around 4am on Sunday.

Gareth says fire crews will remain on scene overnight to monitor the fire.

“We have multiple crews that will respond to the fire tomorrow morning by barge and a helicopter on scene at first light.

"We are also asking people to stay away from the area."

Fire and Emergency NZ will provide a further update at around 9am on Sunday, December 24.

It is nearly three years to the day since a large fire broke out on Matakana Island on December 13, 2020.

The fire on Matakana Island, seen from Matua, Tauranga. Photo: Cameron Avery.

Earlier, 9pm:  A large fire has broken out on Matakana Island.

Matua resident, Stephen Bremner can see the flames from Fergusson Park, saying “it’s horrendous”.

“I’m at Matua, a fair distance from the island itself, but I can see the flames now from here, the flames are massive,” says Stephen.

“The plumes are smoking up into the sky as well, it’s horrendous. If you were sitting at the base of Mauao it’s out to sea at the far end [of Matakana Island]."

Fire on Matakana Island, seen from Fergusson Park, Matua at dusk. Photo: Josh Kelly.

Smoke was earlier seen wafting up from the island at around 8.30pm, with a SunLive reader also in Matua saying it appeared to be a large fire on the seaward side of the island.

It is understood that Fire Emergency NZ has been notified and are responding.

Smoke seen from Matua, at around 8.30pm. Photo: Cameron Avery.

"This could be catastrophic for the island," says Stephen.

He says he could see a boat heading towards the island.

"I can in the distance there is a large vessel travelling in the direction of the fire with a pilot light on it. Whether that’s a barge or a private vessel I’m not sure.

"The smoke in the distance is black, it’s terrible. I worry for if there is a marae near by the fire, or local residents. Also wildlife."

There is a low northerly breeze with wind at about 14 km per hour, and MetService has forecast some spots of rain around 4am on Sunday.

It is nearly three years to the day since a large fire broke out on Matakana Island on December 13, 2020.

SunLive will update this with more information once it becomes available

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The fire on Matakana Island, seen from Matua, Tauranga. Photo: Cameron Avery.


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