Tauranga SPCA’s longest-serving fosterer – who recently retired from the role – is encouraging others in the community to help out our vulnerable animals by taking on the selfless task.
Jenny Davies calls herself a cat person – and fell into being an SPCA fosterer after seeing an advertisement in the newspaper.
That was around 20-plus years, 100-plus dogs and who-knows-how-many cats ago!
“There was an ad in the paper when they did an extension to the original SPCA, looking for volunteers and so I went along and volunteered...”
A fan of cats...
This was so long ago now that Jenny can’t remember when she began the work, or how many animals she’s fostered for the SPCA. “Too many to count!”
Being an animal-lover, especially a fan of cats, Jenny most enjoyed “just watching the kittens grow and the mother looking after the kittens. Just amazing!
“When I lived out in the country and the SPCA didn’t have dog kennels, I looked after the dogs. Then when they got kennels, I just fostered cats.”
Has she had a favourite over the years? “I had a cat that had a mixture of kittens – one of them was pure white. All the others were mixtures and it was just amazing this one little white kitten.
“A friend of mine, she saw this white kitten and said: ‘I want that kitten when it’s ready for adoption’ so I let her have it,” says Jenny.
Go for it!
Now, having moved house, Jenny has given up the role – but encourages those considering becoming a fosterer for Tauranga SPCA to just “Go for it!”
“It’s an awesome experience. It’s just amazing watching the mother look after her kittens, and watching the kittens grow until they’re old enough to be rehomed.”
Tauranga SPCA manager Andrea Crompton says the centre has fosterers on its books who have volunteered for years. “They know when kitten season is coming, they know the drill and they’re always in contact with us, eagerly asking: ‘When’s the next litter?’”
Andrea says some long-term fosterers will have looked after nearly 100 animals.
“They enjoy the experience of being around animals. It’s very rewarding [for the fosterers]. Those animals that could have potentially had a bad outcome go up for adoption and go to new homes,” says Andrea.
“Just do it, it’s so much fun,” says Jenny.
To learn more about becoming a fosterer for Tauranga SPCA, call the centre on 07 5780245.
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