Scholarships for a construction or property career

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Year 13 students considering tertiary studies towards a career in the construction and property sector are invited to an information evening in Tauranga to find out about a unique scholarship tailored to providing rangatahi with financial assistance and pastoral care.

The Keystone Trust scholarships are worth $16,500 for up to three years of an undergraduate degree at approved tertiary providers.  In addition to the financial support, students receive wrap around pastoral care. 

Keystone Trust general manager Amanda Stanes says it’s about giving rangatahi a hand up.

“We are the only Trust in Aotearoa dedicated to proving scholarships that support the property and construction sector,” says Amanda.

“What is unique about our scholarships is that, as well as financial support, we provide personal mentoring and wellbeing support, career guidance and pathways, connection to industry people and lifelong connection with students and alumni.”

The scholarship information evening is designed to give students, their parents and whānau an understanding of how Keystone Trust could help them get a foot in the door of the construction and property sector.

“We will have a couple of our students and alumni with us so they can share their stories and the unique ways our scholarships have transformed their lives,” says Amanda. 

“Many of our recipients were facing financial challenges or lacking the clarity and confidence to forge a career pathway before they came to us.  Through our scholarship programme the students are receiving assistance to get a tertiary education and we are creating future property and construction leaders.”

The Trust has been operating for 30 years and has assisted more than 200 rangatahi, awarding some $2million in scholarship funding.

With growing support from the construction industry, the Trust has doubled its student scholarship numbers since 2019.

“With applications opening June 1st for our 2025 scholarship round, we are hoping to see more students apply from the Bay of Plenty and Waikato.” says Amanda.

Former Otumoetai College student, Louise Bremner, was a 2021 Key Partner Scholarship recipient and within two years was Design Manager at C3 Construction before heading to Melbourne for her OE.

“My life trajectory changed when I was introduced to the Keystone Trust. It gave me a kickstart to my path in the industry,” says Louise.

“They helped me grow in confidence by providing me with integral knowledge and experience. Through Keystone Trust young people like me have access to opportunities to thrive which simply wouldn’t happen otherwise.”

The information evening is being staged in partnership with Priority One’s Instep Programme that fosters a partnership between local business and schools, lifting the prosperity and future prospects of local people.

Priority One’s Instep Manager Vee de Koster says, “The success of our region depends on a collaborative approach with our business sector and education. The Keystone Trust's scholarship program plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of the regions young people. Instep’s kaupapa revolves around empowering local students and connecting them to these exceptional opportunities. This program is evidence of the commitment to growing our young talent and expanding the prosperity of the region.”

“Instep is committed to ongoing collaboration with schools and our business partners, aiming to amplify the positive impact this scholarship program creates,” says Vee. “Our focus remains steadfast on building skills that are future-proof, ensuring that the next generation is equipped to meet the evolving demands of the workforce with confidence and adaptability."

Olivia Heighton was a 2015 scholarship recipient and is now a property manager at Precinct Properties, Auckland.

“Although the financial support has been great, the most valuable part of being in the Keystone family would be the connections I’ve been able to make, the networking events I’ve attended and the educational site visits,” says Olivia. “Keystone provided me with a huge insight as to what my future will hold and has introduced me to some of the most successful and inspiring professionals in the property sector.”

The 2025 Keystone Trust Scholarship Information evening is being held on Tuesday February 13th from 5.15 to 6.30pm at the University of Waikato city centre campus in Durham Street, Tauranga  To find out more and to register click here.

For more information about Keystone Trust visit


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