Council buys Cameron Road Warehouse building

Council purchases Cameron Road building for new indoor courts. File Photo.

Tauranga City Council has purchased The Warehouse building at 483 Cameron Road which will house four new indoor courts as part of the Memorial Park redevelopment.

The sale went unconditional on Wednesday and Tauranga City Council acting chief executive Paul Davidson says he anticipates the new facility will be up and running later this year which will coincide with the decommissioning of the Queen Elizabeth Youth Centre building (which includes Memorial Hall).

“The Warehouse building will be able to accommodate four basketball size courts along with changing facilities, associated storage and office space and, 220 existing car parks,” Paul says.

Council will take possession of the property in early June when the work turning the building into indoor courts will begin.

Council and Bay Venues have together for several years been planning for new indoor court and aquatic facilities at Memorial Park to replace the existing ageing facilities.

Funding for this was adopted in the last Long Term Plan.

While the original plan was to upgrade the Queen Elizabeth Youth Centre building, it is nearing the end of its serviceable life and would require a significant upgrade, says Paul.

“Recent building reports have indicated earthquake risk and structural issues will significantly increase project costs, meaning the best course of action is to demolish the old building (including Memorial Hall) and develop a new facility.

“At a total estimated cost of $25m including the purchase of the property and fitout of the space as indoor courts, this will be more cost effective than building a new building for indoor courts in Memorial Park.”

Council is on target to have the new courts available by the end of 2024 to allow limited or no downtime between closing the existing courts at QEYC, says Paul.

Bay Venues Chief Executive Chad Hooker says staff have been working closely with key indoor court user groups to keep them informed of plans and will engage with them further as the design of the new facility is finalised.

“In addition to this project Council and Bay Venues are currently investigating other new indoor court opportunities over the next 3 to 5 years to cater to growth,” Chad says.

As New Zealand’s fastest growing city, it’s important Tauranga has facilities that can best cater to the needs of our growing population, he says.

The new indoor facility, and how Memorial Park is used in the future, is being considered within the wider context of all Council’s other reserves, parks, recreational and aquatic centres, says Paul.

“It forms part of broader plans to work with the community and sports organisations to make our community spaces better and use the spaces we have in the best way possible.

The Mount Sports Centre as an old one court facility will close and be demolished within the next three years as part of improvements to Blake Park and will allow development of more space for field sports at the park,” Paul says.

Construction on the new Memorial Park Aquatic Centre that was approved by the Commission late last year will also commence after the demolition of the QEYC and is expected to open in late 2027.

This new aquatic centre will include indoor 25m, hydrotherapy, learn to swim and leisure pools. There will also be an outdoor lido pool and hydroslides as well as a café and gym.

The new aquatic centre will replace the existing pools in Memorial Park and Ōtūmoetai that are at the end of their life.


Unelected spending

Posted on 02-02-2024 17:19 | By Angels

We must stop all this crazy spending . We need accountability . We have a woke minded bike riding council who have destroyed our roading in Tauranga. They are spend freaks with no sense of accountability. We the ratepayer are going to be devastated when we get our rates from here on. We were already the highest rates in Nz now we will be truly high flyer without a kite.
Mahuta has destroyed our city with her appointments. We voted blue and she has made us pay the price. The most disgusting politician in Nz history. We want democrazy back


Posted on 03-02-2024 10:45 | By an_alias

Spend, spend and spend some more guys.......then the next article is "Congestion charges"....oh heck we need to get more tax aye.....
Out of control


Posted on 03-02-2024 11:05 | By peanuts9

Another great move by the council. Long may it last.
I dread the prospect of the old guard being elected again. They were racist, elitist, sexist, arrogant & stuck in the 1950s. The city was stagnant, concentrating on low rates, endless roads & certain suburbs.

Shaking the money tree

Posted on 03-02-2024 12:49 | By Otumoetai Resident

Can someone please tell non resident Anne Tolley & her 3 sidekicks + the TCC CEO money does not grow on trees. Where is the consultation over this? It was touted in the media last year this was on the cards but there is also a great deal of public opposition to it. Shall we just cancel the 10yr LTP consultations 12-14 Feb as its seems Anne is not listening. There is nothing wrong with the QEII basketball facility. I'll bet $25 million she has not played a game in there. If we need more pool facilities so bad then it must be economically viable for private enterprise to build. Stop destroying perfectly good assets and bankrupting the city & its residents. Roll on the elections. Lets hope Simeon Brown does what he promised & make the Commissioners caretakers until then leaving all decisions for an elected council.

Deep pockets

Posted on 03-02-2024 15:03 | By Come on TCC!

It's about time the council had a budget! Not a pair of bottomless pockets that magically keep a steady stream of money flowing through wasteful hands at the cost of the Rate payers!
No wonder Tauranga now has the highest rent rate in the country as all these costs get passed on.
I would love to see the cost of all the councils projects, current and future, I'm sure that would be a scary sum.
How can a concrete and steel building be at the end of it's life? There are thousands of older buildings around! Doesn't it suit your image anymore? Give it a lick of paint and I'm sure it would last longer than some of these shoddy new buildings popping up at mega cost! Sort out your spend thrift attitude and listen to the residents!

No more spending

Posted on 03-02-2024 16:44 | By Paul W2

Once again the unelected council has embarked on more pointless spending . There should be no more spending like this until a new council is "elected" and can be held accountable.

The Master

Posted on 04-02-2024 10:43 | By Ian Stevenson

The good thing about it is that TCC has not built it so then it has a much better chance of being built properly so wont need demolition in <5-20 years or whatever.

The Memorial Park "Scam" of TCC and the nefarious mob at Bay Venues was doomed to be an expensive and absolute failure before fabricated pre-2020 as a "shovel ready" scheme... No one knew of it then and little since.

The Memorial Park is a effectively silt, mud and the likes as run-off. It just happens to be above the high tide park most of the time... to build there will be an absolute disaster, expensive and more.


Posted on 05-02-2024 00:24 | By Inmediasres

Well said. The only intelligent comment here!

moany, moan, moaners...

Posted on 05-02-2024 12:33 | By This Guy

The serial moaners are out in force on this one, I see. "I don't want this thing - therefore, NO ONE should get this thing!" Just because you're not interested in using the facilities doesn't make them a "waste of money" there are plenty of people in this town who will be thrilled for these courts - What's funny is, I bet you're also the types to whinge that "kids spend too much time on computers/phones" while here you are complaining about building a place for them to do exercise and play sports... (with a nice safe bike lane to get them there too, doesn't all the ~wasted money~ just make you furious!) - I also agree with peanuts9, I am not looking forward to when the children are back in charge at council - preventing progress and whinging about "woke" or some other such ridiculousness…

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