Smiles all round for early childhood services

Best Start Palm Springs children won the annual World Oral Health Day Challenge for the Western Bay of Plenty. Photo: Te Whatu Ora.

The children at Best Start Palm Springs are proud to show off their pearly whites after coming first in the annual oral health challenge.

Early Learning Services across the Western Bay were invited to take part in the annual World Oral Health Day Challenge - organised by the Te Whatu Ora – Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty’s - Oral Health Promotion team.

The theme for World Oral Health Day 2023 was “Be Proud of Your Mouth”.

"We encouraged all centres to show us how they incorporated this theme in their submission," says a Te Whatu Ora - Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty - Oral Health Promotion team spokesperson.

The winner of the Oral Health Challenge for 2023 was Best Start Palm Springs, Pāpāmoa.

The top three placings were:

· 1st Best Start Palm Springs

· 2nd Gate Pa Preschool and Childcare Centre

· 3rd Imagine That Preschool

Head teacher at Best Start Palm Springs, Sally Chadwick says the children have really enjoyed the programme.

“The children really enjoyed doing the experiments showing what sugar can do to your teeth. We had some good conversations about looking after your teeth and why it is so important,” says Sally.

“One of our children would come in almost every day to show us how to use an electric toothbrush for healthy teeth! We are very pleased to be part of the programme and look forward to participating next year.”

Oral Health Promoter Nicole D’cruz would like to thank all the early childhood centres that participated in 2023’s Oral Health Challenge.

“Congratulations to Best Start Palm Springs for coming in first place! We enjoyed seeing how much work they put into their submission. They excelled in all the activities they did with the children and had great parent involvement," says Nicole.

"We also want to congratulate Gate Pa Preschool for coming second place and Imagine That Preschool for third place.

"The stand of entries we received exceeded our expectations! A round of applause to everyone who entered, and we appreciate the hard work all centres put in towards the challenge. Ka pai te mahi."


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