Work is about to start on a pilot project to bring wider footpaths, greener spaces and some one-way streets to Tauranga city centre.
The one-way traffic system will be introduced to parts of Harington, Hamilton, Spring, Wharf and Willow streets and remain in place for at least two years during the city centre transformation.
Contractors are aiming to be on-site from this Sunday evening and are looking to work mostly at night for several weeks to get the works finished by April.
Tauranga City Council’s Team Leader – Transport Development, Tom McEntyre, says doing most of the work after-hours would help minimise disruption for motorists and businesses during the day.
“We’ve got some very willing contractors on board and they’ll be doing some big hours during March to ensure the improvements are in place quickly.
“We’d like to thank everyone for being patient and respectful while these people are doing their work.
“When the mahi is finished, we’ll have a more attractive city centre where people can move around more easily.”
Tauranga is rapidly transforming into a modern city, with many building projects ramping up in the city centre.
It's expected that the new one-way streets will reduce the need for road closures during these construction activities because it will be easier to provide space for them.
The pilot will offer safety benefits by moderating vehicle speed, reducing difficulties at intersections, and improving visibility for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, says a statement from council.
The city centre will also be more attractive and accessible, with space for wider footpaths, planter boxes, street art, and other opportunities.
The project has been carefully timed to avoid events such as Children’s Day and the Jazz Festival, while ensuring the changes are in place before nearby building projects get underway.
Although most of the work will be completed in March, some additional work will occur later with little disruption expected.
The pilot will be monitored and reviewed to see if the changes should be retained, altered, or extended through other parts of the city centre.
More information about the project can be found at
A map showing what area will be affected. Image: Tauranga City Council.
In an unrelated move, a small section of Willow Street (between Wharf Street and Hamilton Street) will be permanently closed at a date yet to be determined to allow for the construction of the new civic precinct, Te Manawataki o Te Papa.
This section of Willow St will ultimately form part of a pedestrian plaza.
The new one-way system in the surrounding streets will be retained when this closure occurs.
Collectively, the proposed changes are among many initiatives aimed at making the city centre a great place to live, work, learn and play.
You can find out more about the vision for the future of Tauranga in the Council’s City Centre Action and Investment Plan 2022-32.
Here comes another one
Posted on 01-03-2024 10:16 | By First Responder
Just like every other one.
Spending money on what's not broken, and forgetting the big picture. Exactly why Hamilton is now growing faster, coz they sorted their infrastructure out years ago.
flat line
Posted on 01-03-2024 12:34 | By OG-2024
WHY can't the UN-ELECTED understand the simple truth that once an area flat lines it can't be resuscitated?
As much as we the residents may wish the CBD was a lively vibrant place, we have been telling you for years it is DEAD.
Anti-social activity, crime, homelessness, begging, constant roading/ traffic issues, parking being changed at the drop of a hat, inconsistent placement of the goal posts, trying to please everyone OR WORSE small sectors of the community.... all these things have killed the CBD!
UNTIL the underlying problems are resolved the resuscitation of the CBD will continue to fail.
People get paid a set amount. EVERY other entity in town wants that $$$! People ARE STRUGGLING, THIS is what MATTERS, not a few planter boxes and footpaths in a dead CBD.
TIME to get REAL about the REAL social problems in Tauranga, not the CBD!
Build some b....y pensioner units!!!!
Posted on 01-03-2024 12:37 | By Bruja
Stop all the 'pretty luxuries' and REPLACE the Mount pensioner units you 'inherited free', against the will of Mounties, flogged off. Where's THAT money gone eh????? Commissioners disgraceful 'salaries' that's where!! :(
So much for consulting
Posted on 01-03-2024 12:47 | By an_alias
So give Business the weekend to submit on this after being told Friday by email it has to be in for Monday morning.
Fab 4 and TCC have no respect for business or rate payers
The Master
Posted on 01-03-2024 12:51 | By Ian Stevenson
There is no problem here, so in usual TCC fashion, TCC have to spend millions to fix it. The actual outcome will be a mess, worse than possible to imaging. That is the TCC way.
Actually, this is not only about green spaces (Phoenix park was to be a "Green", but is a slab a concrete????) it is actually about the ideal-radical stupa of eliminating cars/vehicles completely.
The outcome of that is 100% obvious many decades ago, before the silly was dreamed up even... no vehicles means a dead CBD, that is what it now is.
The Master
Posted on 01-03-2024 12:53 | By Ian Stevenson
@ an_alias
"Consulting" yeah right "TUI ADVERT".
The Fab-4 have already decided what they have decided to do, that is what the TCC staff have put in front of them. They are simply grossly overpaid rubber stampers. Fail to consider the facts, truth etc, they just don't want to know at all. They are just going through the motions for appearance sake, nothing more.
One way
Posted on 01-03-2024 13:33 | By Come on TCC!
Down the toilet!
Another good reason
Posted on 01-03-2024 15:12 | By Kancho
To not bother with going into town as it takes longer than ever and there is a parking problems sadly it will be another ten years to recover in the meantime businesses in the city and along Cameron road have years of suffering and probably many can't keep hanging on . Busses still not viable as it takes far to long to get in and out.
Wearing Thin
Posted on 01-03-2024 15:40 | By Wigan
This stuff really is starting to wear thin. It's like buying a new massive TV with surround sound sounds & all the other bells & whistles but only being able afford to feed my kids dry, stale bread for dinner!
Funny thing my parents taught me & I passed on to my kids "cut the cloth to suit the purse" TCC, if you don't know what that means, Google it!
Posted on 01-03-2024 16:25 | By Raewyn
What are they thinking, anything to waste money!
Next couple of years it will have to put back how it was!
clap clap Tauranga
Posted on 01-03-2024 16:48 | By rustyvr4
yet another brilliant way to waste money, and further kill Tauranga. I went down Devonport road about 6 months ago, was smacked over at just how many empty shops there are. with the complete lack of parking anywhere near the location i needed. ended up at bayfair.
Posted on 02-03-2024 08:02 | By Duegatti
Is are any of these legacy projects going ahead with an election on the horizon?
The Commissioners have squandered their initial goodwill by creating chaos for businesses in the CBD.
This should be held in abeyance until an elected council can dither over it.
BTW What's the Maori phrase for cluster...........?
Wait a Minute
Posted on 02-03-2024 09:12 | By olemanriver
The city needed the appointees. The most beautiful location in NZ, had the worst downtown and instead built 3-4 satellite malls in the suburbs. The old council and staff were so bad that they hid minutes of meetings, made concrete parks, had sweet business rates - high homeowner rates, half built parking buildings, unfinished walking tracks.. the list is endless. So the appointees at least got some sensible things started. They were hardly perfect and their time will be up, but electing many of the old bunch is self harm.
Wider footpaths????
Posted on 02-03-2024 09:24 | By earlybird
Why do we need wider footpaths. The ones we've got now are always empty. Green spaces?? Does that mean we get more weed invested 'gardens' full of boring natives. What we desperately need council, is some colour to add vibrance to our city. I can't help thinking that the proposal to create one way streets is a great incentive to stay well away from the CBD. Good luck to the shop owners. They'll need it.
Can't fight progress
Posted on 02-03-2024 22:46 | By All4it
Good to see constant improvement, despite the online comment pessimists that think they speak for everybody and are experts on everything.
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